Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Forward....and Much More...

Good Sunday morning friends......  did you Spring your clocks forward?    

Confessions first!   Looks like I'll be missing Church Service today!!     Not because of the time change....Our clocks were changed and all is good in that area.

The Reason for missing church:

Because......yesterday was moving day for Trista and her family!!

                               Photos taken during the building stage.....

Yes....all of the furniture has been moved along with most all of the clothes...  Now, it's just the small stuff {which can be the hardest}

Not only do we have to get their house in order, but ours is pretty chaotic right now.    So much to do!....and, I really need to have everything organized before Tuesday morning.  

Can't wait to show you the finished photos of their new home!     {Later this week}

Youngest daughter {Shanda} will be having surgery this coming Tuesday morning, which means that Shug will certainly be busy the rest of next week, cooking and tending to the Booth children.     Gonna be a busy week and for this reason.....I have to get our home back in order!

Hope your Sunday is GREAT.
shug ~


  1. Oh, my, you really are a busy gal. Hope you have plenty of vitamins to take for an abundance of energy. :o))
    Hope all goes well for your daughter's surgery. Hope all goes well with your week!

  2. Hope the surgery for Shanda goes well.

  3. I do hope surgery goes well for Shanda. You are such a positive force in your family's life, Shug. What would they do without you :)

  4. The new house looks great. Can't wait to see more. I know the family is excited to finally get to move in. Hope Shanda's surgery isn't serious. Prayers go out to her.


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