Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Results of Spring Break!!

I have certainly enjoyed a much needed blogging break.  Not that I don't HEART blogging......it's just that sometimes we (I) experience a little brain fog and a break is all I need to clear my mind.

Last week was definitely a busy week.....The kids moved into their new home....Shanda had surgery....and it was Spring Break!   SB means we had kids going here and there....like, the Golf course, baseball games, overnight stays with friends, shopping.....and so on!!

So......you can see that I had a full plate last week!  Thank the Lord....we all survived!!

I've also had to put my house back in order.......which caused me to do a little extra cleaning around here.   (still have much more to do.)    Of course, with cleaning .....  comes a little furniture moving.  

My sweetheart (Sam)....along with the grandsons, moved this super heavy piece for me.  I'm loving the new placement.   

A touch of Spring has found it's way into my decor....I have much more to do, but I just couldn't resist this sweet little bird.

And....every kitchen needs a sunflower or 2 to brighten up the place.....

As you can see.....I do love cookbooks!!  

My sweethearts favorite spot......the coffee bar!!

    A perfect spot for a few herbs and an old cruet......we actually have a collection of cruets.  

I'm now looking for the perfect little picture to go behind this setting.....  I'm thinking I'd love to see a framed picture of an old church hanging in this area....

Has your heart ever pounded with excitement  when you start new projects?  I simply can not wait to finish with my 
Spring Decorating!!

More to come!!

Hugs to all my friends....

Shug ~


  1. that piece the fellas helped you moved is amazing and you filled it beautifully!! I really like your spring touches,

  2. You shine whenever it comes to decorating! Love your furniture and decorative elements. Where'd you get that sweet little bird? Hobby Lobby? I have some red ones in my kitchen, but I'd love to have this blue-green color, too. Have fun rearranging and getting your house back. Congrats to the new home owners!

  3. Looking pretty!

    Sounds like your break was good.

    M :)

  4. I already have a few projects (painting) and I am waiting for better weather to open up the house. Your home looks so beautiful! You really have a special touch!

  5. Hi Shug,

    Love your touches of spring and coffee bar. Welcome back!

  6. LOL! My heart has been pounding, Shug... but, I don't think I could label it as excitement... at least not yet! You encourage me to hope! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  7. Hi Shug~

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog - hugs to you!

    I love that hutch - it's huge, gorgeous and red - my favorite color!

    Blogging breaks are so necessary, we all need them to survive blogging! It sounds like you really did have a full plate over spring break! I know that you will be glad to get your life back to normal!


  8. I have been on a little break myself.. my laptop has been determined to die.. so I have been working to get life back into it.. Your home is lovely. I love the chippy little green bird in the nest.. I am so glad to have found you.. I am always thrilled to find other believers who love to decorate.. I am following along with you.. Please stop by for a visit and follow along with me.. We have much in common.. Blessings!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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