Monday, March 3, 2014

Ice Anyone??

Too cold to be outside this morning.....way too icy as well.

The tree outside our bedroom window....

Our driveway.....

Our Virginia Pine tree.....

The Road Way.........

Another close up of the Virginia Pine........'s cold here in East Texas and we are "Iced" in....

Looks like it's gonna be a great day to clean house!

Shug ~


  1. Looks like a lot of good reasons to stay in and be cozy. Grab a mug of hot tea or cocoa and sit by a fire and read a good book.



  2. Enjoy your day!
    We have more snow
    and bitterly cold temps here.
    No school today.

    Stay safe and warm.

    M :)

  3. Enjoy your day!
    We have more snow
    and bitterly cold temps here.
    No school today.

    Stay safe and warm.

    M :)

  4. Goodness! That is dangerous stuff to drive around in. What a crazy winter. Hope you get to do everything you want to do today. :)

  5. What a change from your usual weather.Be careful on that ice.

  6. Oh wow, it does look icy. You had way more than we did. We had some sleet and about an inch of snow and that caused some traffic problems Sunday night and it was bitterly cold when I woke up, but the sun came out and the roads were fine by late morning and the snow mostly melted away. Schools in the area were closed, but I think that was due more to the cold morning temps than the roads being bad.
    Hope the ice is gone by now and that Tuesday is a better day for you!

  7. The ice sure is heavy on the evergreens! Hope it warms up today! Hugs!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........