Friday, February 7, 2014

We are a Family.....

Hey Y'all......I have something wonderful to report.......It's has been 
snowing here this afternoon!  How exciting is that?  

This is exciting for us here in Chandler, Texas!!  

The only issue??   The beautiful flakes are melting as fast as they hit the ground. 

The ground is warm......the streets are warm and our temp is hovering around the 32 degree mark...

The kids are excited.....I'm excited.


This is a must for me.....I definitely (Need) want this sign.

A supportive, loving family is of the essence when it comes to having an advantage in this life.   Did you notice that I did not say MONEY is the core of having an advantage in life??
 I do admire people who are able to succeed  even though they have not had an abundance of encouragement from home.

 There are many lessons to be learned in this journey we call life......    It is of the utmost importance to learn  Right from Wrong.  The Right way to treat people....the Right way to be honest.....the Right way to have a forgiving heart.   The wrong way is when we intentionally hurt others, when we lie, when we cheat.....when we lose respect for ourselves.

 LOVE AND RESPECT......THESE TWO GO HAND IN HAND!   When we learn to LOVE....we learn to appreciate...we learn to have honor and we learn to be humble.

FAMILY.......helps us to grow into happiness!!  Loving parents teach their children about serving  God, they set examples for living the way God has ordered us to live.  Truth, security, loyalty, believing in one another.....trusting,  these are the attributes that make a family strong......what makes a house a HOME!!
I will admit.....our family is sometimes Loud......and are very PROUD!   We have tons of
Fun....together...    We laugh together, we cry together and we
always put God at the Center of our lives.

YES........I........NEED this sign!!

Big hugs to all of you.......
Shug ~~


  1. I just have a feeling that to walk into your home and family would feel like coming home.Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Hey Shug! I love that sign! A great reminder of what family is truly about! And you should have seen my classroom when that snow started falling. A bunch of 13 year olds became like a classroom full of kindergarteners! "Can we go play in it, Mrs Scott???!" :)

  3. Olá amiga,vim retribuir sua carinhosa visita ao meu cantinho.
    Obrigada,volte sempre e pegue o meu selinho de agradecimento!

    Beijos Marie.

  4. Yes, you do need that sign and it is all about family. I hope you get that sign soon! Happy rest of the weekend!

  5. The sign says it all!

    Happy Sunday to you.

    M :)

  6. Yes, you need that sign!! I love it. Weren't those snowflakes just beautiful? blessings ~ tanna

  7. I'd love to be a part of a family like that! My family was never big on encouragement or affection, but I knew I was loved. Just not the way I craved. Being taught right from wrong and how to treat people with kindness was definitely part of our growing up, though! And that's worth a lot. :)


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