Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thinking Out Loud Today.....

It's suppose to be a little Windy around here today........

Grandson #1 is "Pitching" for the BEARS in a HS baseball tournament this afternoon..
Hoping the wind will be in his favor.....


"You have not lived a Perfect day, even though you have earned your money......unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
Ruth Smeltzer

Kindness, opens hearts and it changes lives.   Not only the life of the person who is sharing kindness, but it also changes the life of those who are the recipients of a kind action.  

Kindness begins with our thoughts.....but, if we allow it to remain as only a thought, we cheat ourselves from receiving a blessing.

I say this today.......because......God has placed a need upon my heart and for months now.....I have simply ignored doing anything about it.   I always an excuse...."I'm too busy...I'll do something next week."  

What I have realized, is that next week may be too late.   I need to commit to doing the things that God has placed upon my heart...TODAY!!

Just thinking out loud today!!

shug ~


  1. That is a nice quote, Shug. Makes me think, too. Have a great day!

  2. When I saw the title I couldn't wait to open this up and read your thoughts. I often think of things I could be doing for others, yet I don't get active and do it. I'd love to hear what you decide to do!

  3. Follow where God leads and have a beautiful day.

  4. LOVE this, Shug. Kindness matters. Amen and amen. blessings ~ tanna
    ps we are plugging along with the packing! LOL!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

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