Monday, January 6, 2014

Clean House, Clean Diet, and A Clean Soul.....

It's that time of the year again for "The Daniel Fast" at our church.  This year, Sam and I have decided to do things a little different from the past years.   Fasting is very important and our prayer life will indeed be more in depth during this special time......However, we have chosen  to do a smaller version of the Daniel Fast.   We are giving up Beef, along with sweets and soda's, but at this particular time, I really do not feel comfortable in putting my body under stress, due to the lack of certain nutrition's.

My blood test show that my ANA is still elevated and for this reason, I plan to do what I can with this spiritual fast........but, I want to definitely be smart and try to protect myself from any kind of autoimmune disease that may me sitting dormant in my body.

God Is First:

Who of us does not come up against Sin......each and every day of our life?

The answer to this is NO ONE!

How many make a list each day of all of the sins that you have come up against in any given day?
Do you call out every sin when praying to God?

Number one.......God I allowed my eyes to look at things that are not Christ like.
Number two.......  I charged something on my credit card, knowing full well that I did not pay my tithes.
Number three......   I said a bad word today, out of anger towards my friend.
Number four...... I allowed myself to have a jealous outburst today.
Number five.....   I envied my friends New BROWN boots.
Number six......  I was not a good servant of the money you blessed me with
Number seven...... I stole (borrowed) my friends beautiful scarf.
Number eight......  God, you know I love people, but I refuse to love someone that I feel is less than me.
Number nine......  I lied today about something that I know would make a difference in someones life.
Number ten......   As a Christian, I failed today.

And you're asking.......Where are going with this Shug??  

Well......It's my belief that as Christians, we are aware of our sins......even when we have adapted to committing certain ones every single day.   If you are like me, I can not rest peacefully without asking God to forgive me of my sins.   HE already knows the things that I have done, and HE knows my heart when I ask HIM to forgive me of my sins.  I still feel the need to ask forgiveness of my sins.

I know people who are unable to move forward, because of past Sin that has been in their lives.   They refuse to believe that God can forgive them and that HE wants to see good for them.  Does it mean that in the past, since one has not been a good steward of what God has given them, that they will never be able to live a life that has financial freedom.   Will God not ever Bless them again?

I know that there are consequences for the sin that is in our life, but I do not believe that with God, we are doomed forever, due to our failures.   To be honest, it irritates me when I hear people say things like "We've made our bed and now we must lie in it."   So not true!!!!!   confess your sins before God and seek His wisdom every single day.   If we are honest before God....He is Faithful and Just to forgive us.  

God wants good things for HIS people.....HIS desire is for us to prosper!     I just want to kick people like this in the bottom end and say:   "Do you have such a lack of Faith in your Heavenly Father to believe that HE would rather see you live in misery just because in your past you have been a poor steward of your finances?"   "Get on your knees....confess before God that you have failed and ask HIM to direct your every step for a strong and financially Blessed future!"   Who knows the plans that God may have to Bless you financially, in order for you to Bless others!

Here are some other words I've heard before.....something like "I've discredited myself and now no one will EVER trust me again."  Wrong!!   Or.....  "It's too late for me....I've sinned way too much."   What?
When we say things like this, we are denying the POWER of GOD!

Same holds true for any sin........Reach out there.....  Ask God for forgiveness and then, make it a new day in the Lord.  As I said before....we know what our sins are....God knows our sins.   We just need to bind them up and repent...Give them to the Lord!  We have no idea of what God wants to do in our lives when we confess our sins before HIM....

I John 1:19      If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to 
                       cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.   

I guess I really am cleaning things up......Clean house....Clean diet....and a clean soul.

Blessings Friends...



  1. This is the perfect post. Something I need to be doing. I would love for you to link up to my 198th Inspire Me party. - - - Hope to see you there. Hugs Marty

  2. such a wonderful inspirational post, I feel better just for reading this, thank you for that, we all need to take your advice on these matters!

  3. Hi Shug!

    I am so thankful for the Atonement. How blessed we are that we have a loving Father in Heaven, who knows us better than we know ourselves, He knows our weaknesses, and is willing to forgive us of all of our sins; all we need to do is go to Him and ask forgiveness. Thank you for being such a good example to all of us Shug!


  4. You and your faith are such a wonderful example of what God wants from us, all we need do is ask with an open and honest heart. Thanks for the reminder. God's given me Hope more times than I can say.
    Blessings Shug

  5. Bless your heart... I am proud of you. You can do it... The key to healthy eating is find a plan and make it your life's plan instead of just a given time frame. I finally have a blog post about weight loss and maintenance on Wednesday. Don't miss reading it. Hopefully, some of the things I have done and am doing will help you... God Bless...


  6. Praise God for His love and forgiveness.

  7. I wish I'd read this years ago. It took me a long time to understand just how much God loves us and longs to forgive. I wallowed for too many years in past sins, feeling worthless. This is a GREAT post about our GREAT GOD!

  8. I have added my sin roll call to my morning bible study. I used to carry it all day and pray at night, but I found that calling myself out makes me hyper aware of the dumb things that I do out of habit...especially the sin of judgement.


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