Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Nose is a Nose.......

Hello Lovely Friends.....

I have to tell you, having a keen sense of smell can be the best of the best ......  BUT .....  it can also bring about the worst of the worse.   (I don't even know if I used those two W words correctly or not)

Sam......has a terrible sense of smell    (oh wait....I want you all to know that I'm not comparing his nose to the piggy nose above)
Whew....that would get me in some deep trouble!  I just needed a picture of some kind of nose....for this post.

I'm just saying that his sense of smell is very weak!  On the other hand.....let's just say..... I wasn't blessed with strong vocal cords or anything nice like that......BUT, I did get a STRONG sense of smell.

Much like her mom.....Shanda Kay has this strong same sense.  She 
(meaning Shanda Kay)....stopped by this afternoon and she could immediately smell this odor that I have been smelling for a couple of weeks now.

Listen ladies and gents......I have searched my kitchen over for this smell.   I have cleaned everywhere....only to find nothing!!  I even put lemons and baking soda in the garbage disposal, just to make sure that the horrible smell was not lingering from that area.

What about the other folks in this house?  Were they not breathing in vapors of pig slop the same as me?  NO.....not a single one of them has said a word about the rancid smell.

While everyone was gone this evening....I launched a full size hunt for the stench.  I FINALLY FOUND IT!!!!!!!!

Under my sink.....How could I have missed it?  My cute little plastic basket that holds all of the cleaning supplies, was filled to the rim with what looked and smelled like sewer water.  (I can't believe I'm telling you this.)   Makes it sound as if I haven't cleaned in quite a while.....NOT TRUE!   I have one of these baskets under each sink in this house!!

Seems that underneath my kitchen sink.....around the garbage disposal....water has been leaking and this is why the CUTE plastic bin was filled with pig slop.....   Believe me, it smelled just as bad as it sounds.

See....if I didn't have this crazy ability to smell so good, then I would not have found this mess until the basket full of water.... ran over.  

On the other hand......ordinary smells that do not bother other people, are very offensive to me.  Like onions for example.  The smell of uncooked onions.....makes me sick at my stomach.  Honestly, they do!!

So, there you have it....... a strong sense of smell can be helpful at times.....and at other times, it's worthy of the title of being  "Despicable." 

Big Hugs Y'all.....

Shug ~


  1. I think having a strong sense of smell is good.I do not have that and often feel like I am missing the good and the bad smells.You see I can't smell the flowers,even though I know they should smell good. :(

  2. Yipes.... Bet that basket did STINK!!!! I have a keen sense of smell also (George does not)... (Is that a girl thing????? ha)

    I can smell things that he NEVER smells.. Drives me crazy sometimes when I can't find it.....

    Glad you found yours.

  3. I agree a good sense of smell is a great diagnostic tool! It can add to some yucky moments though! glad you found the leak! blessings ~ tanna

  4. I'm glad you found the odor source before your bucket ran over. Ewww! I also possess a sensitive smeller and sometimes I wish I wasn't blessed with that. But it can come in handy in situations such as this. God bless you, sweet Shug!

  5. Wowser! Good that you found it.

    It is Valentine Card Party time--stop by!

    M :)

  6. Good thing the basket was there to catch the water! I've had that happen. Yuck! Yes, a good nose does come in handy!!


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