Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why oh Why.....Haven't I Done This in the Past?

In our little part of the Country, we are having Sunshine!   And, I am so happy to see it!'s been COLD these past few days....No kidding!  

The wet rain didn't keep me from making a stop at the grocery store.  Hopefully, I now have everything that I need to complete our Thanksgiving dinner.

I have to tell you all.......I have done a first!   Please don't think of me as being some kind of "twisted" person when I tell you what it is........But, this is the very first year for me to EVER 
shop ...... Online!

I did it!!!   I sure stinking did!   Some of the stores that I needed to shop in, are located about
100 miles away from us.   I guess you all know what this means?  I saved money by not having to fill my car up with $3.79 per gallon gas-o-line!!  Woo, Hoo.......that's what I'm talking about!

Why?  Why haven't I done this in the past??

Not only did I order ONLINE, but I did it in the comfort of our home!   My feet thanked me, as I sat there on the sofa.....with me sweet little piggies, comfortably resting on the Ottoman. 

My body thanked me for not having to be bound (for hours) in a tight fitting bra.......while I shopped.   I sat there in my Pj's and took all of the time that was needed for me to complete each order!!   Not only that, but I also served myself a nice warm brownie AND a sweet cup of Hot Chocolate/with Marshmallows........while SHOPPING!

Are you kidding me?  This is the way to go!!!!!   Oh, and did I mention....."FREE" shipping!  

Two items will actually ALREADY be wrapped when delivered.   Of course, you know that I'm not going to be satisfied with that!!  Oh no.....first of all, the wrapping paper will probably not match mine.  Second of all, I'd sure hate for one of my baby boys to get a big surprise on Christmas Eve!!  I'd be expecting them to open up a cute toy that was on their list, and instead, the package would have mistakenly been stuffed with some kind of item that would not only embarrass them, but would make my face turn all colors of RED!   Nope....I'll be checking the content.....for sure!!

I have discovered something NEW and I'm so happy that I did!!

Oh, Oh, Oh........I didn't tell you all about the big goose that is in my freezer!  Yep, The boys went hunting last evening.....and one of them shot a big goose!!   Woo hoo!!!     I love Country Life!!

Hope you all enjoy the kindest kind of day!!

shug ~


  1. good for you!!! And an organic goose for dinner, even better!!! I don't shop much online, here in Canada its not as good as in the U.S. My daughter Kelly lives in Michigan and I sometimes have order stuff, its amazing, things come the next day and the prices are crazy good, Canada is so slow at catching up to you guys, shopping online in Canada is so limited, have a wonderful day lovely lady, I like your style of shopping and the brownie and hot chocolate even better!!!!!

  2. Yay, you're in the online shopper club now! I love doing that and have never been disappointed. Well, I was once when a glass vase arrived broken. But Amazon took care of that easy peasy. I just returned from the madhouse around the stores and I'm telling you, online shopping is SO MUCH BETTER. No tax and no shipping with my Amazon Prime account. Woot!

  3. I think shopping online is the way of the future. I have not done much of it,except for a few CDs.

  4. I found this to be true a couple of years ago. And even more amazing, that if you have to order something at the last minute you may get it for half off, and they can still get it to your recipient in a couple days time, often with free shipping.
    My kids got stuff they never expected!
    You go girl!

  5. Your tree header is gorgeous, and even prettier is the bench and the leaves on the ground. I love shopping online!!! So where did you shop, amazon, eBay? I have never had any problem with it. But once in awhile I just have to get out there with actual people and see what is in the stores!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Oh, good for you! I've been shopping online for years and do probably 80% of my Christmas shopping online. I have finished and all my gifts are wrapped and now I can enjoy the season. It is the greatest thing since "sliced bread."

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Every year I buy a little bit more of my Christmas online. My dh is already a shopinista at amazon..he cracks me up! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  8. Before I forget-- LOVE your header photo. OMGosh, it's fantastic.

    And so very glad you discovered online shopping. It sure beats hitting the mall with mobs of people.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    xo jj

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.

    We are having a wonderful Thanksgiving also---at the home of George's son and family in Florida.

    Online shopping is the BEST.



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