Sunday, November 3, 2013

Normal Time Right Now....

Hey there sweet friends.....Hope this has been a Fabulous weekend for each of you!

I just looked at the time on my laptop, and it reads.....7:27. My seems like it should already be around 9:30 or 10:00 P.M.

By the way....What about my Canadian friends?   Do you all change your clocks twice a year like we do here in the USA?
I've never thought about this before.

We are in NORMAL time right now!!  In other words, time is like it's suppose to be.   Seems so weird, changing our time 
back and forth a couple times each year.

I must admit...I do like Daylight Savings Time.   I'm a sunshine kind of gal, so I really do enjoy the daytime hours.

For me, it takes at least a couple of weeks to get myself settled into the change.    Guess I need to manage my TIME a little better!!!

Here's hoping that you all rest well tonight....I'm already tired, or perhaps it's my MIND that is making me think it's bed time...



  1. Yes,we do change our clocks when you do. I just wish the government would decide to stay with either daylight savings time or,as you say,normal time. It got dark awfully early today.

  2. The time always messes me up for several days too... WHY do we have to do this? We now get DARK at 5 p.m. since we are at the eastern edge of Central time.... Crazy!!!!

    Love your header. Gorgeous!

  3. The header of the path with the sun on it is beautiful! I also love your pumpkins with keys on them!! I would do that in a minute if I could only find so many old fashioned keys! I want them to change time to the way it is in the summer, and LEAVE it that way!!! I want the light!!!

  4. we do, ( Canadian here) and it messes me up so much, I felt tired all day, i was ready for bed at 8pm!Have a great day, maybe a nap??

  5. I am not a fan of the two time changes. I've read several different reasons for why they do it (don't know which one is correct), but none of them are good enough for messing up my sleep cycle. I have enough trouble there, lol. Blessings to you this week, sweet Shug!

  6. Hi Shug! I don't like the time changing, either. Wish they'd keep it one way or the other.
    Hope you've had a great day!
    I'm back from blog break.
    Take care!


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