Monday, November 18, 2013

Just Because!!

It's during the Holiday Season, that I really seem to miss my mom the most!  She was an excellent cook and last evening, I was thinking about the super delicious custard pies that she would bake for ME at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I suppose this is the reason that I felt a need to drive over to the cemetery this morning....
I picked up my dad and after a small stop here and a small stop there, I headed down the road that leads to our city cemetery.  

I am so thankful that I followed what my heart was leading me to do.......I pulled through the gates and as I turned the corner, and was headed toward my mom's grave, I looked up and there in front of me was a gorgeous red tree, lit up by the sun's rays.   I can tell you.....there was this joyous feeling that ran all the way through me.

It was as if all of Heaven was beaming across the cemetery.  This particular tree illuminated my soul.    I felt a sense of warmth and Peace.   It was one of those "Just Because Moments" from God.

I know that the visual scene set before me was not by accident....... God knew the range of emotions that I've been carrying around this past week.....HE knew my heart and my spirit was longing for one of my mom's big hugs........   Before she passed away, my mom would often give me one of her big ol' hugs, and her words were ALWAYS...."Everything's gonna be ok"......    Those particular words, along with the warmth of her arms being wrapped around me, made me feel as if I could conquer all things.....

There is nourishment for the soul when we feel loved!

Anyways.......I hope that somehow, my words and the expression of my morning will be a blessing to you in some kind of way.

May you see the "Just Because" messages from your day!!!

Shug ~


  1. Your posts are always upbeat and encouraging. Your faith shines thru in your words. GLad you followed your heart and had such a sweet experience. HE knows, doesn't HE.

  2. oh what a perfect happening, it was meant to be, so special, and so kind of you t share this with us,

  3. What a great story!
    I'm with you on the
    missing Mom thing at
    the holidays.

    M : )

  4. Your mom sounded like a lovely lady - just like you!
    Mary x

  5. I always love those kind of moments. Glad you had one today.

  6. Oh Yes---there are so many Just Because messages from God... We just don't always take time to see them and enjoy them. Love the RED tree... Your sweet Mama was telling you that she is FINE and that she loves you and misses you.

    God Bless.

  7. God delights in giving us those 'just because ' moments.I have had some of them given to me as well and I love them.Thanks for sharing this special moment with us.

  8. Oh Shug...isn't it absolutely wonderful when we see a message from God? This one was amazing...😊

    So glad you had a blessed day!


  9. Such a wonderful message of love... sending a hug your way... blessings ~ tanna

  10. I can still hear her saying, it's gonna be ok" too. Man, I miss her!

  11. Great story, I so agree about missing mom during the holidays. I love your faith, Shug. Hugs

  12. Oh Shug, I sure do. I seem to be seeking them out more and more lately. Blessings to you!


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