Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Zoo

Oh me.....Oh my......   take a look at what the kids and I found at the zoo this past Saturday.   It was a gorgeous day and the temps were absolutely, we decided to take a trip to our local zoo.
It has been years since I had gone, and really could not believe all of the magnificent changes that have taken place, since I was last there.

This was our very first photo of the day.  We are standing in front of the Flamingo area, and I must tell you.....the smell was not very delightful!!  It was Mylee Jo, Tori, Carson, Tyler and of course...I was taking the picture.   (all photos were taken on my iPhone)

Me and Mr. Pot Head!   Isn't he adorable?

Mylee needed a little help in order to see the Rhino!   It's great to have a STRONG cousin near by, that can lift you up to see!

"Help me Sugar"......"This big ol' spider has a hold of me, and it won't let me go!"

Break Time!!!!!

The Elephants......It's always interesting to watch them.

My favorite of the day......Harold, the Giraffe.
I think he likes having his picture taken.....

He was a BIG flirt....

Do you see what I see?   A big monkey, in a tree!  This girl (Miss Tori Lynn) loves to climb trees.
I think she just may have gotten this from me.  I too was a tree climber.

The kids found them a friend.   He was so sweet!!

Have you ever hugged a mummy?   He was sooo  nice!

We hurried past this area as fast as we could go........The witches were out.....

and this one was brewing up ...... SOMETHING!! was Bird time!    The kids loved this area...

and......the birds did too!!!!!!

Carson.......Guess I snapped the picture when he had his eyes closed....

Mylee, fed a bird too....

This guy had the right idea.     

We had a terrific day!!!  I may have enjoyed it even more than the kids.



  1. The kids with the birds, they are my absolute favorite!!!! And Miss Mylee being lifted, a good catch by you. I also love how you captured the giraffe's eyelashes!!

  2. What a great day out!! I agree that Harold is very dashing!
    Mary x

  3. Oh,I'm sure the kids enjoyed spending the day with Grandma.Just think of the priceless memories you all made.

  4. Looks like fun was had by all!
    Great memories for all the kids
    and you.

    M :)

  5. Man, what fun! The kids are thoroughly enjoying the day as are you. I liked your pose by the pothead. :) All of your grands are so cute and sweet. You are blessed with a lot of love there.


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The sun is shining Beautifully today! I was thrilled to wake up this morning to a bright sunshine morning.  Thank you Lord.  Sinus headache ...