Friday, May 3, 2013

Vacation Destination.

Hmmmmm...  I had a complete post written and then suddenly it disappeared!!!

does this ever happen to anyone else?

Argh.....Shoot......Datgum.....    and wouldn't you know it.......this would happen on 
a day when I still do not feel good!    I coughed all night and this was after taking a big
cap full of NyQuil. 

Oh well....let me see if I can create the post again.

I was blogging about vacations.   Last year we took a fabulous vacation to Niagara Falls (the Canadian Side of the falls)

Oh my was wonderful.   The hotel we stayed in was great.  Our view of the Falls was breathtaking and the weather was almost perfect.    It's pretty hard to beat a vacation that was more than outstanding and relaxing to boot.  

so......this year we are having a difficult time deciding what to do.    do we want to fly to our destination?  do we want to take a driving vacation?  do we want to go a distance or do we want to stay close by?  will it be the beach?  should we go to the mountains?  It definitely will NOT be a cruise.  

Do we want to take an ADVENTURE type of vacation?

this could be a good thing!!!!!

we could hiking, go tubing, do a little climbing, 
enjoy the coolness of the water splashing all around us.

NOW.......all we have to do is to decide which "WATER PARK" we want to go to!!!!!!

I'll be sure to let you all know what we decide......




  1. Your Niagara Falls picture is awesome! Is there always one there when the sun is right? And your header!!! You took this picture? It is divine! I cannot wait to hear where you are going and for how long.

  2. Oh, that is so aggravating to loose a post, just poof and it's gone.

    We've been in 2 cruises and absolutely loved them. One with Celebrity and one with Holland America. One to Alaska and one to Canada and the East Coast.

    I'm sure you will come up with the perfect destination to enjoy some rest and relaxation.

    Happy weekend!

  3. We will be looking forward to hearing what you decide! I loved visiting Buffalo and then crossing over to the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls... just beautiful! Hard to top that. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  4. Gosh, don't think you could go wrong with any of those selections. For me a cruise would definitely be out of the question. I hate those things and with all the problems some cruise lines have been having lately, you couldn't pay me to get on one. I'm interested to hear what you all decide on. More importantly, though, feel better soon!


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...