Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A New Chapter

 Another chapter in my life is quickly coming to an end.   I have loved every single minute of what this particular chapter has given.  

Let me introduce you to the newest little 2013  pre-school graduate.    Miss Mylee Jo Booth

"Don't cry because it's over.....smile because it happened!"
                                                                                   Dr. Seuss

I can't promise that there will be no tears ......but one thing I can promise is that my heart will always be full of joy and precious memories.........

Mylee is our youngest grandchild, and now,..... she is about to step into her own little adventure of exploring those wonderful elementary school years.....    

What can I say?   I'll be lost.....!  After spending approximately 9000 wonderful days.....keeping all my babies........this chapter of my life is saying good-by. 

Here she is......making her way to the school

Some mighty big doors for such a little girl!
Just look at that smile.......

And here we are.......picking up her kindergarten registration folder.....

Oh yes......you can bet,  that I am sitting here with huge crocodile tears running down my cheeks.


I'm sure that the next chapter has a lot to offer.....now, lets see what I do with it!!

Many hugs to all my sweet friends...
shug ~


  1. Oh my, Shug. I am so teary eyed too. I can not believe that this time has come. You have been the best "sitter" we could have had. Nothing beats Shugs house.

  2. That is such a milestone in a grandmother's life as well as in the little one's! But, it starts all over again with the great grand babies. It is just as sweet.


  3. A bittersweet time, I'm sure. She is so adorable and I wish for her the best life has to offer!

  4. Oh, you are the sweetest! She is so adorable in her ruby red robes. I have never seen robes for little kid's graduation before. Yes, it is sad, they turn away from Grandma to friends - sad when they find out we aren't the only game in town!!!

  5. These pictures of her are so beautiful!!! Especially the header and first picture...she is just bursting with life and beauty. Been through this already, both of ours are in first grade. Unbelievable the homework even the very little ones have!

  6. Awww, I know how sad you are! She's an adorable child. But now you get to write a chapter that's just for you. Can't wait to hear what you plan to do next. I know it'll be fun and colorful whatever it is. :)

  7. Aw, Shug, sad for you, but...

    can you be a home room mom/helper? school parties, etc. Go on field trips? Take cookies/snacks to her class? A volunteer to help her class, like a teacher's aide or something? those things would help you be a "Shug" to many more children that may not have a sweet GM like your little MJ!

    OR, maybe it's time for Anita to do something for Anita! I know you'll figure it out!

  8. Oh, I feel your pain but each new season brings something new and fun. I hope you will enjoy this new phase!

  9. Watching these little ones grow up is bittersweet. We want them to grow up just not quite that fast.

  10. Congratulations to Mylee Jo!

    I have no doubt that you will
    find lots to do with your time.
    AND you'll still be available
    if needed.

    M :)

  11. Shug, I feel it. BIG TIME! Our first-born granddaughter graduates HIGH SCHOOL in a couple weeks. We can barely stand it. She's all grown up yet so young. I understand the crocodile tears...more than you know.
    Mylee is a gorgeous little girl who will Always be your little grandlove!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........