Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Best Things In Life......

The Best things in life are free and all we have to do is to be open to the goodness that is all around us. a wonderful day here at the Pollard home!  Nothing special is going on and we didn't win the Power Ball..(got to play to win).....BUT....we did wake up breathing this morning and this makes for a wonderful day.

Our Sunday School Class was FULL and many of us shared with the class about the miracles that God has performed in our lives or in the lives of those we know.   Church was Awesome!  We have the greatest Pastor ever!!!   He is truly a man of God and he loves to share God's word.

I'm sitting here right now, enjoying the company of three super important guys in my life...   Sam (the best husband in the world) is engaged in some deep sleep right now...You know, the kind where the sound of snoring takes over and we all just laugh on go on....... My other two guys {Tyler and Tucker} are watching "Wild West Alaska" and I am full of happiness and smiles as I listen to them laugh and giggle about the people and the contents on the program.

Oh.....and it's cold outside!!  The sun is shining, but the wind is so sharp and cold.   It's the kind of day that makes you want to stay inside and EAT all kinds of great foods...   As a matter of fact, I'm going to be fixing some delicious corn filled cornbread and a cola cake here in about 5 minutes.  Both sound so good!

This is what's happening around our place....Hope the rest of you are have a nice peaceful day as well...

Sweet hugs to you all...


  1. Sounds like a wonderful, restful, peaceful sabbath. Sadly, not too many people rest one day a week anymore, but God knew we need just one day...

  2. Sounds like a perfect day in your house :)

  3. Blessings are all around us,but too often we fail to see them. Sounds like a great day at your house.God is so good.

  4. Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me. Yum on the food. Wish I could have a piece of that cake with you. :)


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Changed my Mind

💠💠💠💠💠💠💠 Well....I changed my mind.... I did not really like the first post that I posted today....  It just wasn't a post that I ...