Monday, March 4, 2013

Get out of the Junk Drawer.

How many of you have a junk drawer!   I'll be first to raise my hand to this question.  It's hard for me to believe that even the most talented organizer doesn't have at least one junk drawer.   Everyone NEEDS one!   ??????
OK....I'll admit it.....I have more than one!!!   I probably have three or four.  If I lose something, I can usually find it in one of these drawers.

How about your garage?  Is it clean and organized?   Our garage could be in the running for "The Cleanest Garage Contest" least one or two times a year.  That would be on the VERY DAY that we clean it.  How humorous is that?   We work hard to clean it and within days it starts to stack up again.

And then..... you have the sock eater?  Does he ever show up at your house!  He stops in here on a regular basis.   Chews those smelly buggers right up and never spits em' out!  They are gone

My mom always told us kids....."A place  for everything and everything in it's place."  ????? I've gotta do better...

Did you know that God is the master of organization?   God knows where we are at...He knows where we are going.....    When we jump into a junk drawer, He is right there....with HIS Grace....waiting on us to cry out when that drawer is squeezing us so tightly and we don't know what else to do.   HE knows the exact place that we need to be.  HE knows how to organize our lives.  He graciously wraps HIS arms around us and gives us the assurance that we are needed.  We are important.

God knows where we are and He is always beside us....longing for us to speak His name!   We are God's children and HE longs to USE us each and every day.....

Thank you Lord!!



  1. HA HA HA--you caught me. We have a junk drawer--probably more than one. AND our garage is very junky... I consider myself fairly organized --but obviously, not in these areas... SO--guess I'd better get to work!!!!

    Love your top photo. AWESOME.


  2. Not to make anyone feel bad, but our two junk drawers are tidy. The garage, not so much. Sometimes my mind can feel like an untidy junk drawer or like the garage - poor God. I don't know how He puts up with me. My thoughts have been very jumbled lately, making it difficult to even pray. :(

  3. Junk drawer,which one did you want to hear about. None? I thought so,neither do I,but they still exist.Unfortunately I also have to admit to spending more time in the junk drawer of life than I should.

  4. Hi Shug!

    Yes - I have a junk drawer . . . or two. My garage needs cleaning, but that will have to wait until Spring... ;0) So good to know that other people have these same messes!

    I love that fact the Heavenly Father knows us, and keeps us on track - but only if we let him!


  5. OH, yes, we have two junk drawers, very organized junk drawers, but junk drawers nonetheless.

    Love the analogy you used, such truth to it.

    Happy week!

  6. I not only have a junk drawer (or two) but a junk closet as well. LOL! I call it that but it's supposed to be for storage. It gets a good cleaning a couple of times a year, but then, just like the garage, it becomes a catchall and gets cluttered quickly.


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