Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Don't Forget to Listen....

I really do want to be a good listener, but sometimes I get in too big of a hurry to hear what GOD is saying to me.

Am I alone here?  

There are a WHOLE LOT of times when I do hear.....but I quickly make the decision to do things my way!  Sound familiar to anyone?

Not only am I guilty of not being a good listener, but I engage in trying to be the one in control......My heart knows that I need to give everything to God, but my mind is saying
"Let me handle this Lord and if I mess up, then you can take over."

OR.....how about this...

"Lord, I am placing my future in your hands....BUT...this is what needs to happen.

I trick myself into believing that I am trusting GOD with the details of my life, when I am really fighting hard to be in charge and tell HIM what I want done.

Then...there is this...

"Your will be done Lord....but I just want you to be aware that I am not going to be HAPPY until you do things my way"

{I would certainly hate to see the mess I would be in if God put me in charge}

I honestly have to laugh at myself sometimes.....

God never gives up on me....even when I fail to listen, even when I fail to follow.....HE watches over me.  I love it when the Holy Spirit corrects me when I get off track.


There is an Amazing day ahead....May you all be Blessed!



  1. I struggle with all of these scenarios. Daily. Poor God, having to constantly correct me. I'm slowly learning tho!

  2. Hmm Your post sounds a bit like my life. As I get older I have begun to see the wisdom in handing my whole life over to our God. He might have less of a mess to untangle if I let him do the driving. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I LOVE this post!!! It is focused, short, meaningful, and rather like a daily devotional while still being fun and still being YOU. I think one of the main reasons people do not listen for God is that they are running around constantly busy, then when they finally have a quiet moment they fall asleep. Even Jesus went away for quiet time, and He also never rushed around. Even with all He had to accomplish in His short life.

  4. Yep, I'm one of those that wants to say "but, this is what needs to happen." :) Great post, Shug! Have a lovely day!

  5. Great post, Shug... Yes, we do want to be in control, don't we???? As I've gotten older and not quite as busy, I do try to STOP and listen for God's plan in my life. George and I sit down for about 30 minutes every single morning and have our devotions together. That is one of the best times of the day --when we can listen for God's guidance together...

    Have a blessed day.


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