Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clocks are RIGHT now! are you all doing with the time change?  

Nothing changed around here this morning....Our church members did not change their clocks until after service today.  No one was too late and no one was too early!!  Worked out great!  We still got out at 12:00.........1:00 for those of you that were already in the time change.

Not to worry though....our clocks are all set to the right time NOW.

My eyes are super heavy right about now.  I think I could use a little siesta....ok, maybe a big one.

It's Spring Break around this place, so this alarms tomorrow morning, no alarms for the six days following.  No getting up to feed the precious little faces that show up at our home every single morning.  

And.....the good part is that I don't have any appointments scheduled for this next week..  I super love it!!  I'm FREE!
I'm retired for a week.....

Let me tell you.....that two mile walk that I just completed this afternoon,  is kicking me right about now!   Guess this is why I'm so sleepy!! It sure felt good, but I now have a sinking feeling.  I can truly say that I'm not a huge fan of exercise walking, but it is something that I need to be doing on a daily basis!  

I honestly do feel a snore coming on!!

Before I sign off for the evening, let me say:

Thanks to all of you who sent your prayers for Tyler's college entry exam.  He feels very comfortable about his knowledge with the contents of the test.  Praying for some great scores!

See ya tomorrow!


  1. A TWO MILE Walk!!!! Good for you. It makes me sleepy just reading about it. What a great idea your church has!!! Everyone will be on time, then can all go home and change heir clocks!! I'm loving it!!

  2. Enjoy that spring break.I have two more weeks of work till our spring break. The time chafe caused me to have a nice nap this afternoon as well.

  3. I had a great walk today too, Shug. Glad for some sunshine! Glad to hear that Tyler feels confident about his test!

  4. Enjoy your free week.

    We have a four day week then it is
    Spring Break for us!!

    M :)

  5. Oh, I hate this time change. Grumble about it every year for a couple of weeks, then get over myself. lol Proud of you for your 2 mile walk. Very impressive. Enjoy Spring Break and get your rest. Hope you enjoyed your afternoon siesta. :)

  6. Enjoy your Spring Break. It always takes me a few days to adjust to the 'Spring Forward'. Thank you for your birthday greetings.

  7. We don't have much trouble adjusting to new time changes, but having said that I just really wish they would leave it one way or the other! Have a wonderful week!

  8. Enjoy your time off, Shug, you deserve it!

  9. Congrats on that 2 miles walk. We hiked on Sat. for 5 miles and again on Sunday for about 3 miles... TODAY--it's raining here --and I'm glad since I'm tired.... ha

    Hope Tyler did well on his exam. Where does he want to go to college?

    I'd be more confused than ever if I waited to change my clocks at noon yesterday... Glad it worked for you all.


  10. Well you just go right ahead and enjoy your 'mini-retirement sure hope you get more done than this fully retired gal! Ha.. Good for you taking a walk! I really miss being able to do that. I always loved to take a walk! It's really good for you!blessings,


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