Monday, February 11, 2013

Hearts..... it's Valentines week.   Candies, flowers, cards, chocolates, gifts, pink hearts and Red hearts are all the things that make this week so special.  OH....and Friendship and LOVE!

HEARTS.....These are the things that really catch my attention.

About a month ago.....while sitting in church.....I look over at the wall that is just to the right of where we sit each Sunday.  We have sat on the same pew every week, for MANY years and this particular Sunday was the very first time that I noticed a heart, right there on the wall...

The Heart is a natural heart in the grain of the wood!

Isn't it Beautiful?  I love it!!

It was hard to believe that I had never seen it before.....


What are some of your favorite things about Valentines??

Enjoy the simple JOYS of life today...



  1. That is cool in the wood! Happy ♥. sandie

  2. It looks like some artwork on the wall, but is really natural, wow!! I have been meaning to ask you about your amazing header! What is the light source and how did you make it into a heart? Mysteriously beautiful.

  3. That really is quite amazing. A sign from God, maybe? His heart is with yours. :)

  4. I love Valentine's and enjoy making fudge in heart shape pans and also, Shortbread. I package it up and give it away.

    Cool heart in the paneling. Hugs to you!

  5. My favorite thing about Valentines day is love, hugs and chocolate!

  6. My favorite thing about Valentines day is love, hugs and chocolate!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...


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