Monday, November 19, 2012

What If?

Something to think about isn't it? a Reflection of a humbled heart....

Not just this week, but every single day of our lives, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.  I don't know about you, but it's extremely hard for me to be thankful for difficult situations that arise in life.   The bible says that we are to be thankful in ALL things.   This means EVEN the things that bring us disappointments.  

I find it very easy to give thanks to God, when I am receiving Blessings, or when things are going my way....I think this holds true for most of us.   I know for me, it is so easy for me to say "Thank you Lord" when a front row parking spot is sitting there, just waiting for me to park my car. often do I say "Thank you Lord" when I have to walk a good distance in the pouring rain?  

People can sometimes disappoint us....Family members can let us down....Friendships can fail to fulfill our expectations.  It is during these times that I/we must focus on what is greater than those disappointments.   I/we must focus on the strength that God is delivering to us during these difficult times.   There is much to be said about being thankful for God's merciful strength.

I had to really think about these words....."What if I woke up today with only the things I thanked God for yesterday."   What if I didn't thank God for my family or my friends yesterday? I would certainly find myself in a lonely place today.  What if I never took the time to thank God for even the simplest of disappointments that might come into my life through my family or friends?  I would be missing out on the Blessings of  "Strength" that God had in store for TODAY!

I pray that my heart will always be humbled and that I never forget to Thank God for ALL THINGS IN MY LIFE.

Be Thankful and Be Blessed...



  1. Those few words speak very loudly. I know that I could do a lot better in the area of thankfulness.

  2. wow, that one stopped me in my tracks, great post!!!

  3. Hi Sweet Lady, We all do have so much to be thankful for--and we need to thank God each and every day for our blessings. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Great post and reminder, Shug!! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! blessings ~ tanna

  5. Very thoughtful today. I do see what you mean. I was thinking that after reading the headlines this morning. Some people are going on strike for better pay and so forth this holiday season. The thought that crossed my mind was we should be thankful for having a job this holiday season. My son was just laid off and would be glad to have their job low pay and all.

  6. What a scary thought, but a wonderful reminder. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Shug.


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