Saturday, November 3, 2012

One Terrific Day

It truly has been one terrific day....(Face Book may have already read about this)

I have had the privilege of spending the entire day with our oldest grandson....Tyler...

There are no limits when it comes to helping your grandson.  Our day started around 8:30....We spent time together, getting a flat fixed on his truck.  Next, we changed the oil in "Gypsy Blue" and by the afternoon....she was looking as sharp as could be, because of the tender loving care she received from the two of us.

The afternoon was filled with all kinds of fun....In the kitchen!
Seems that we have a romantic and a chef in the family.....Tyler wanted to cook dinner for his girlfriend, Kelsey!  By the way, she is so adorable..   Kelsey loves broccoli-cheddar soup, so Tyler decided to make homemade soup for their dinner....

Oh geez.....he really is a good cook!  He chopped the onion and broccoli....he made his base for the soup by melting butter and adding some flour....then, he added half and half cream along with chicken broth.  Next, he added just a touch of nutmeg, some salt and pepper and finished the soup off with the sharp cheddar cheese.

This soup was Sooooo flavorful and delicious!   Tyler then decided that he needed a dessert to make their meal complete. He baked cupcakes....iced them and carefully decorated them in colors that he knew Kelsey would love.

While waiting on Kelsey to get here, Tyler and I decided we had enough time to make a "Pumpkin Roll."  He and I both LOVE a good pumpkin roll....The roll is in the refrigerator, just waiting on us to sink our teeth into it...   I can't wait!!!!!

No time spent with your grandchildren is complete, if you don't take the time to give them a few words of wisdom.   This is exactly what I did.   We took a short drive and I was blessed enough to have some great conversation with him about life.   Every young person needs to be surrounded with words of inspiration and encouragement.    Funny thing is, Tyler always has his own way of blessing me with such wonderful, encouraging words!

Oh yes, I am one Happy, Happy, Happy grandmother! 



  1. Sounds like a fun time - and yummy too! Good to catch up on some posts this week-end!

  2. Hi Shug, I think that time spent with individual kids/grands is SO important. Sometimes we don't get enough time with some of them, individually... Glad you had such a great day.

  3. What a blessing for BOTH of you. So many kids barely have any family these days. To have parents AND grandparents is a double blessing if those know the Lord and share that. It makes me happy just readin about it! :D
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. That sounds so wonderful. I sure do understand how much of a blessing it is to spend time with our beautiful grandchildren. His soup sounds tasty! My grandchildren are just the right age to let them help me make cookies and decorate them. That is our plan for the holiday season. Hope you have a great day!

  5. Blessings for sure. And I just love your header shot. Makes me want to live in the middle of a pumpkin patch.

  6. Glad you had such a nice day! I don't remember how old your g'son is, but I'm wondering if this is getting serious with his girlfriend? He sounds like a fine young man. Any guy that will make broccoli-cheddar soup is A-okay in my book!!
    Enjoy your Sunday, Shug!

  7. This is so sweet. I'm not surprised one bit that Tyler is so loving and attentive to his girlfriend. He's got wonderful role models! Y'all are truly blessed.

  8. Shug, I can only hope to have such a wonderful relationship with my own grandchildren one day. What a positive impact you have!!!!!!

  9. Hi Shug!

    Sounds like a wonderful day! What a lucky girlfriend, a handsome young man . . . and a great cook!!

    You are a wonderful grandma!



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