Wednesday, October 31, 2012

U-Hoo....Just a Reminder

U-Hoo..... wanted to remind all of my sweet friends that we now have..... 55 days.... until Christmas.

Bet you thought I was skipping over Thanksgiving, but nope....I'm not.....21 days until this special day arrives.

I love all of the foods that we serve up at Thanksgiving...Ham, Turkey (only a Greenberg Turkey will do) Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry sauce, congealed salads, veggies, sweet potatoes, and DESSERTS.

this means it's time to say goodbye to Halloween and the Fall Festivals....

I kinda get sad when it's time to put up
my lighted jack o' lanterns.  

I usually light them up on the first of October and keep them lit all through the month.   These little guys make for some good night lights.   Guess I need to find some lighted Turkeys to sit around.

The next two months are always so busy!!  So much to do to get ready for the Holidays.  Decorating, shopping, cooking, trying out NEW recipes, making homemade gifts for friends, party's, having friends over, Church functions......Whew!

I'm Ready.....How about you??



  1. Oh wow! Thanks for the reminder, I have got to get some shopping done. I could never skip Thanksgiving it is my favorite holiday!

  2. I smiled at your excitement, Shug. But I have to get past Thanksgiving before I can think about Christmas. With my mother gone it's going to be sad. My dad's wife just informed me that they don't do turkey and all the fixings. She does a roast. How boring! I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I may decline and go to my uncle's house. Sometimes the holidays really stress me out and I wish they wouldn't.


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