Thursday, October 18, 2012

A High Five

It's a High Five to everyone in BEAR COUNTRY this morning....  It's HOMECOMING  week for the Bears and all the past Bears that graduated from Brownsboro High in East Texas.

Don't you just love this......FAITH....FAMILY....FOOTBALL!

The events for this week's Homecoming game begins tonight with a Parade that starts at the High School and winds it's way up to the Football Field.......    Next will be the 
Homecoming Pep Rally, where everyone comes together, bursting with energy.....ready to support the Bear Football Team.

I am so excited....... The class of 1971  (my class and Sam's class) honored to be the float which carries the 2012 Football team.....right into the stadium!

There will be lots of bells and whistles....ribbons, flowers, and Bows....

There will also be a lot of laughter and fun....
and tomorrow night, we are counting on a 


All of these things make for SIMPLE PLEASURES 
in life!!

So.....come on, join the fun and give me a 

Big High Five for the day.....

And another one for the game......




  1. Here's a high five for the family. Have fun and good luck!
    Blessings, Linda

  2. High Five!! Sounds like lots of fun and excitement, I hope you get your big win!!

  3. High Five!!! Sounds like it will be a wonderful time!

  4. You guys are going to have a blast. Enjoy!!!


  5. Here's a High Five!! Hope your team wins! Have a fun weekend!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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