Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sunshades Required...

This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.
                                                         Lamentations 3:21-23 NIV

How thankful I am that HIS compassions never fail!  God...our Heavenly Father is full of Mercy and full of Grace!

There was a particular situation that happened yesterday, that caused me to spend some time reflecting back over my life......
It wasn't my intentions to put so much thought into the hard times that have come my way, but over and over again I had these difficulties that would pop into my mind....leaving me with a mood of discouragement.  (I still can't drive...think I need to get out)

Not once was I allowing my thoughts to be consumed with the happy times that have filled me with such fortunate joy during the past 58 years.  Then, the words....."Unique Creation" ......kept pressing at me...

I am  a "Unique Creation".......I am not like any other person in this world...I am ME! I am special to God....and HE loves me. 

Honestly, I began to see colors of ink falling upon me....I was encouraged to think about, and to write down the greatness in my life....Wouldn't you know it?  God allowed me to see things in a way that would bring glory to HIM....thank you Lord!

The very first thing that came to my mind was the color of red.....The blood of Jesus Christ!  HE died on the cross for me!!
How GREAT is this???  HE loved me, HE died for me....

Suddenly, the colors were just zooming all around me....Bright Pinks, Neon Greens, Yellows in many shades and even the color of WHITE!

These colors were filled with the anointing of Jesus Christ....Each one was sent to me to give me insight as to the Blessings that have come my way.....Each color spoke something different to my heart. 
No longer was I seeing darkness, but I could match a particular color to each sad thought that I was having.....

 You see, it has been through each of those tuff times, that my soul has drawn closer and closer to the Lord.  Through the sorrows of life, I have learned to Trust in the Lord...I have learned to lean on Him and to Fellowship with Him....   My canvas is being painted through each event of my life.....

Can I truly say that I am thankful for the dark times in life?  I certainly do not wish to go back to any of those days....

My desire is that when the dark times come....The bright colors of Hope will overpower any darkness that might try to pull me down.
I sure hope that When my canvas is finished.... it will be so bright with the colors of life and that there will be a sign that reads:  
"Sunshades required to view!"

God's Mercy is New Every Morning.....Great is HIS faithfulness!!



  1. Hi Shug-----Ah---the bright colors of life... I love bright colors --but since I had a weight problem, everyone always told me to wear BLACK..... I finally decided that I was ME and if I liked bright colors, then to go ahead and wear them.... I DO....


  2. That Lamentations verse is my favorite verse of the bible. I've always associated the color red with the blood of Jesus. It was my mother's favorite color, too.

  3. Thanks for these words. God is so good. No I don't want to back to the hard times,but I have grown through them and still am.

  4. I love colors - have all the colors around my house and on my blog - but I love black to wear. Weird. Love, sandie

  5. I had one of those "tuff" days today and am still trying to work through it.

    Your post was good food for thought.

    M :)


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