Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rain needed....Water Everywhere!


                       Or This........

My feet would love to be feeling the fresh cool waters of the Guadalupe river, right about now....

....even though I can't swim, I'd love to be riding a 

tube through the rapids.......

Last summer was a SUPER HOT summer around here.

Some of you might even remember the pictures I 

posted of our lakes....or should I say, our dried up 

lakes.  The heat was showing NO Mercy on us....

When it comes to the heat, our area really has nothing 

to complain about this summer......However, this 

week, we have seen some 103 degree days....And we

would love to see some drops of RAIN, again!

Oh.....this reminds me.....we do have one flower bed 

that received above normal water this past week.?.?  

Water was Everywhere!!!!!!!

You know that pipe that runs from the air conditioning

unit.....the one that drains the condensation when the 

temps are hot outside????   Ours decided to stop up 

this past week.....

I went outside to water some of my flower beds, and I

I noticed water running out from where the bricks

meet the foundation.....NOT GOOD!!!

After a day and a half of having a plumber and an air 

conditioning specialist work on the is now 

fixed!  This pipe needed more than a cup of Clorox 

to fix the needed some tender care.....

This is what's been happening in my part of the 

Country....hope all is well in yours!!

Blessing to all on this wonderful day!




  1. Hi Shug, oh we need rain so badly here, too!! We only get a little sprinkle now and then.
    I'm trying to catch up on blog reading and I was happy to see that you are doing so well since your shoulder surgery!! Good for you!! Be careful and don't try to do too much yet. Take care and I hope we both get that much needed rain soon!!
    Hugs, Cheryl

  2. We have been stormy here all day. Such strange weather for many months. I hope you will get some rain.

  3. Oh, how I remember last summer, praying it was my last one in Texas. And it was! I have been enjoying low 90s temps here in Baton Rouge and lots of rain. Wish those that really needed it could receive it. Sorry you had such an ordeal with your a/c unit. What a pain!

  4. Hi Shug... hope they got your that air conditioner fixed okay. We're having a terrible summer here this year. We did get some much needed rain yesterday


  5. We needed rain, but this week it calls for a lot - hope you get some too! sandie

  6. Our weather is unseasonably warm for Oregon, but water has not been a problem this year because our winter rains were heavy and went on longer that usual. I hope it cools off in your area. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

A bit of this and that.

  It most definitely is a cold morning! 16 degrees.......Brrrrr.   Not to worry though because next week our temps will be in the upper 70...