Sunday, August 12, 2012

Prayer and Check Disease

Today....What are you asking GOD for?   Are you....receiving answers?

Is your list a long list?  

The older I get, the harder it is for me to get through my list, when talking to God...

I don't believe for one moment, that God rolls His eyes when He greets me in prayer, but I am pretty sure that there are times when He would love to say.."YOU AGAIN"

No, not really.... when we come to God in prayer, and we are busy lifting  up our brothers and sisters in Christ, God knows exactly where our hearts are...He knows the sincerity of our heart.

Have you ever found yourself to be stressed during your prayer time?  I have!!
I pray about something or someone....and then it's as if I have some kind of "Check Disease."  I find myself going back to make sure that I said the right things and that
God really understood my prayer.    This in itself can be stressful!

I am so thankful that God has patience with me...God wants me to burden Him with whatever burdens me.  HE longs for me to be in His presence and to breath in the total peace that only He can give.  It is wonderful to know that God knows the very sound of my voice and He never gets tired of my fellowship with Him...(even when I do have the 
"Check Disease")

The way I see it, is that when our list is long....this means that we are out....being busy for the kingdom of God..

Have a Good day...



  1. I sometimes do wonder if God gets tired of me asking for the same things over again.Thankfully we can bring our requests and know that He cares.

  2. Boy, can I relate to this post!! You again, is how I feel when I've been praying so hard for rain, and hope I'm not begging to God but fear that I've been greedy in that department? I trust and have faith that we will survive this summer! Great post and thanks for your contact paper fridge story, loved it! :)

  3. Well, since I've had unanswered prayer (seemingly) for the last 12 years concerning my son, I can certainly relate. Sometimes I think there will never be an answer and it's so disheartening.

  4. I know that God knows what we are going to ask for before we even ask it, but I, too, often think that he thinks "you again"!
    Have a nice day!

  5. You express the beauty of God's understanding perfectly. He does want us to come to Him with our burdens. I certainly have prayed under great stress. Just this past week we lost not one, but two, a great niece and a great nephew, both for reasons as opposite as the calm and the strong winds. Prayer for both and their families was very hard but a relief, I'm sure you understand.
    BlessYourHeart for being such a fine example of God's good work. You are a treasure to me.

  6. Really Great, Shug. God already knows so nothing surprises Him when we bring our 'list' to Him. It just delights! I appreciate you sharing!
    God Bless,


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