Thursday, July 19, 2012

Trip and More

I'll admit....this is not the clearest picture....but one that is quite impressive....

This past Sunday, as we were traveling down an old country road near San Marcos, I saw this flag hanging from a tree. I only had seconds to snap this picture......It was a narrow road and there was a lot of traffic, so it wasn't possible for us to stop in order for me to get the perfect shot.  

Someone took the time to climb out on the limb and attach the flag to the tree.....It was a beautiful sight to see the American Flag hanging above the winding road......

Oh....BTW.....There is a "Rest of the Story" about our "Road Trip."

We arrived at our destination on Saturday evening and we let the girls (Myee and Tori) swim for a while.  Then we headed over to target for a little "Barbie Doll" shopping.  

Sunday morning came and we decided to take a drive out to Canyon Lake and down along the winding road by the river.
I noticed that Mylee didn't seem to be herself, and sure enough, she wasn't.....FEVER!   By Sunday night, her fever was up to 102 and she had a very bad headache....

Sam made a trip back over to target to pick up some medicine for her, and an hour later, he had to go back to pick up a few more things....Needless to say, we were up 4 or 5 times that night because Mylee felt so bad and need me to hold her.

By Monday morning, I knew I was going to have to bring her home.....So the girls and I packed up and headed out for our 5 hour trip home.  Sam had business to do, so he was not able to drive home with us...

The doctor said that Mylee has a viral infection that has been lasting about 10 days....As of today....she still does not feel very well....

The trip was cut short, but we did enjoy the time that we had with the girls...

Blessings today....


  1. That is bad at home and even worse when away from home.Hope she feels better by now.

  2. Oh dear, that is so hard to feel that bad while traveling. I am glad you had a little fun. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

  3. Praying your sweet grandchild recovers soon! Sounds like a nasty virus to hang on that long. Poor thing!

  4. Oh Shug, I am so sorry... Hope the little sweetie is feeling better --and hope none of the rest of you get the bug.... Bless her heart.

    Well--there will always be vacations with the grandchildren, but this will be one you won't soon forget.


  5. Hope she is better - it never fails when you go on vacation that someone gets sick! sandie


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Look what I Discovered

  Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for ...