Thursday, July 26, 2012

Filled with Syrup

Face's the "In Thing"....

pull up a chair and grab a cup of tea...we have much to talk about....

Would you like to do a little:

Title-tattling, Dishing the Dirt, Scuttlebutting, 
Gabfesting, Babble, Chattering, Shooting the Breeze, Idel Chatting, grapevine listening,  Pipelining, so to speak?

What on Earth?  GOSSIP....

Is this 
(perfect hangout) which we all call Face Book, filled with syrup?  Thick, sticky, yummy syrup.....?

Or....does it deserve the title...."Gossip Fest"  I have heard it described as just that.....

I have to admit...I love FB!  I heart FB!   

It's a great place to communicate with your friends and for me, it's a great way to share my love for God.....I have found, via FB, many people have needs, great needs...It's an awesome thing to be able to be a prayer warrior for people who need our prayers..

I have on occasion, deleted people who I felt, were only using the site as a way to get their "High" on gossip....I have also been known to delete those who use bad language!!

It is important for us to avoid gossip at all times.  We can do so, by allowing words of inspiration and encouragement to be our focus.  

Proverbs 26:20  "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down."  NIV

I'm a fan of about you?



  1. Oh, I'm not a fan. The same posts by the same handful of people over and over. Too tedious for me I think. Perhaps I need to reevaluate my friends list, which I have done a couple of times. I have de-friended those who blaspheme God or get too political or have potty mouths. But maybe I should keep them and give gentle rebukes. Another thing I have a hard time doing is sharing my personal life so publicly. But you're so social that I can see why you would love it.

  2. Shug,
    Glad your shoulder is doing well! I use FB but have blocked people as well. It is a great way to stay in touch and reconnect with old friends. I have also found it to be very hurtful at times. For me I "LIKE" more websites that give me inspiration.
    Have a good day!

  3. I like FB and feel I meet a world there of wildly different people from all around the world. Many of my buddies there share a love of Jesus or gardening or reading or writing or all or none of these.
    Please send me a friend request there, I am Terra Hangen.

  4. I use FB and have connected with a lot of people from my past, as I grew up as an Air Force Brat. For me it is great. Yes, there are those that gossip, but I just delete/block their stuff.

  5. I do enjoy Facebook. It is a way to connect with people who I otherwise would not hear from. I also like the encouragement from many of my friends there.It is what we make of it.

  6. I think FB is the best thing since sliced bread. Love it! It is such a great tool for communication. I'm with you, I don't put up with ugliness, filth or any such but it has served me well. I'll have to find you and friend you. :o) Blessings!

  7. I love Facebook... I had heard so many horrible things about it---but when I realized that "I" was in control of who I let be my 'friend' --that it was a good thing... I LOVE it... I have no problem with bad stuff on my site...

    I find it a quick way to communicate with friends/family ---and I like that.. It's simpler than Blogging --although I still love Blogging more--- so I can get in and out of FB quickly if I want to...There's no obligation that makes me feel as if I 'have' to re-visit someone who comes to me ---like I feel when blogging...

    LOVE IT.


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