Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gee Whiz.....it's gonna be warm around here today!  Temps are expected to reach at least a 100 or so!

I somehow, got myself a slight sunburn yesterday....could it be because I stayed in the pool too long??   Just a couple  of hours, but HEY, when your having fun with your grandkids, who pays attention to time?  Oh...and the grandkids were smart enough to use sunblock!!

 I just love my topic for the day.......Organization and a 
CLEAN home!!

I overheard a conversation the other day, between two men....They were talking about a friend of theirs and how at ANYTIME, when you go to this friends home....it is magnificently clean!  (believe it or not, men do notice these kind of things)

As I see it....this speaks highly of their friends wife!!  

It doesn't matter the size of a home....Organization and a Clean home can be had!


I will be first to admit, that I do have room for a few more organizational skills in my own home.  The hardest area for me to keep up with is the closet....I don't know if it's because I need more space, or if it's that I need to get rid of some items!

  if we declutter our homes, then it only makes sense that our lives will run much more smooth...and, I think it blesses our children when our homes are kept in order...they learn from these blessings!

There have been a lot of times, when I could have used that ol'  doormat.  

"This house was clean last week"
  Sorry you missed it!

I've Been there!

Guess I had better get to cleaning....

Happy Days!


  1. It is very hard for me to function in a messy place! The HOUSE, oh my gosh, what and where is it??? Don't tell me this is YOUR house???? I think you should blog about it, it would be very interesting to us all!!!

  2. Think I told you in another recent comment that cleaning the inside of the house is not my thing!!! We keep it straight --without clutter, etc. AND--we always always make our bed... AND--we always always wash the dishes.. BUT--vacuuming and dusting can wait til later!!!!! ha ha....

    BUT--I do have a nice, clean, weed-free yard!!!! ha ha (That is more important to me!!!!)

  3. I love a clean house and so does Bill so we try to keep it that way. Everybody is different though, so whatever works. It's a perfect summer day here today, low 80's, no humidity, but will be 100 degrees the end of the week. By the way, I just saw the photos from your trip. They're great and it looks like you had a great time at Niagara Falls!

  4. I LOVE that doormat, Shug!! LOL! Glad you are enjoying time with your grands!! Makes life G.R.A.N.D! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  5. Love the doormat!
    We work very hard to keep our house clean and organized but you know there are times that doesn't happen. As long as we try we are fine with it.

    Have a great day.


  6. I'm back where you said pool - do you have one - how nice!!!!!! We are in a pool and tennis community which is nice.


  7. Hi Shug!

    I can't even imagine your home not being as fun as you are - and I'm sure it is neat as a pin too! I'm the kind of person who likes my home to be clean, but not untouchable - I guess homey is the word! Although if you ask my husband, he thinks I'm a clean freak!

    I love the doormat!



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