Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We Done Good....

As some might say...."We Done Good!"

I know that you won't believe this, but last night was Baseball night, again!  As I have said before, with 6 grandkids, we are out at the ballpark a whole lot during this time of the year....

When I say "We Done Good" .... I'm not talking about the scores on the kids baseball games....I'm talking about something totally different...

Before the games, Sam and I made a drive down into a cove, which is near the North end of the lake....crossing the road, was this big ol' armadillo.  I was not able to get a super good picture because the little booger was way too fast...

He or she, had someplace to go and it scurried away....real fast!

Shortly after seeing the armadillo, we came across these.....

Aren't they beautiful?  And look at the first deer on the left....Can you see those nubs?  In about a year or so, you won't see this little fella standing around...He will be outsmarting those big ol' deer hunters....

There is such beauty in the nature that surrounds us everywhere...

We really "Done Good" last night,  in seeing so many of the wonderful creatures that God has created!

Big Hugs y'all



  1. It is a beautiful world!! great pictures -
    Mary x

  2. it is a wonderful world - so lovely that you and your hubby found time to enjoy it even though you're so busy :)
    Mary x

  3. Yes, it is a beautiful world. One of the reasons I enjoy photography so much. God has given me so many interesting things to capture with my camera. :)

  4. You DID do good! And you done good with your new pink header and background!! It is so....SHUG!!!

  5. I like your deer shot- the little ones are so cute!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........