Monday, May 14, 2012

Water and Rain....

This is what I'm talking about...... when it comes to having fun!!  

These good looking guys had a blast playing on the spillway of the lake, down at the farm. 

Do any of you remember the days?  The days of playing in mud puddles, running through the rain, and just playing out doors.....

I love seeing kids play like this.....

Opinion #1....  I believe kids should play outdoors as much as possible...

Opinion #2....  kids today do not know how to play outside!


You are not going to believe this, but I was going in one direction with this post, when suddenly it changed...

In the middle of my posting, I had to leave to go watch Carson play was my intentions to finish it when I got home...

In the second inning of the started to sprinkle, and then suddenly it started to POUR DOWN RAINING!  We all were scrambling for cover...

Sam took a picture of me with wet, (dripping wet) hair....I had thought that I would show it to you on this post....BUT
it was way too bad!   Pretty Bad!

As it ends up.....This evening, I was able to have a little water fun myself!


But you know was still fun and I know why kids love to play in the water and rain!

We had no idea that it was going to rain today....

I am thankful for all the good times that I had, playing outside as a kid....I also am thankful for the rain..



  1. Hi Shug, George and I do alot of hiking in the rain --and love it... We have lots of pictures of us while we are dripping wet... SO CUTE.

    I am like a kid at heart. Guess I was always one to play out in the rain!!!!! ha


  2. this post is a smile maker if I ever saw one! :)

  3. I love the picture...they were all having lots of fun, but looking serious! I bet that even soaking wet, you were still really pretty. It has been raining here all day, will rain all day tomorrow, and flooding has already started.

  4. I know!! Out of the blue kind of rain! Not too long ago I was playing in a golf tournament and it started raining... laughed more than I had in a long time... It is good to play in the rain! ;) blessings ~ Tanna

  5. Yes and yes. Even my own kids like video games and indoor stuff. That is why I drag them camping a few times a year. No hookups just the generator so no phones and no electronics. They love and I love having them unplug.

  6. I love the rain which is a good thing considering where I live:-). I loved the photos of the boys. I hope the rain helped the gardens in your area. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. I think we love the rain as deep down we still think of it as a blessing!
    mary x

  8. Well I do have to tell you that you have a beautiful area to play in and they are friends watching out for each other. It makes a difference! Sandie


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