Monday, April 16, 2012

You Know You Are Loved...When??

Loved this new picture that the kids made for me!
I know how difficult it is to sometimes get guys to pose for a picture, but my grandsons love making me happy, and they were happy to oblige their Shug!  It's a different story when it comes to Tori...she loves having her picture made!

I was extremely blessed today!  I had the privilege of spending the entire morning with both Tyler and Tucker....

Tucker had to be at the Orthodontist this morning by 8:00 and Tyler had his 16 year old "Well Check" today.  You know you are loved when your 16 year old lets you take him to the doctor for this kind of visit...(By the way, I'm not sure I ever mentioned that Tyler now has his "REAL" drivers license.)  He could have driven, but was happy for me to take them.

What really made this a fun visit is the fact that Tyler was seeing a new doctor for the very first time.  Yep, his Doctor since birth, just recently retired!
All of the other grandkids have seen the new doctor before, but this was a first for Tyler....
By the way, the new doctor is a female!!

Tucker and I had a few laughs when she told Tyler to put on a gown...Not something that he wanted to all!!

By the time that we finished with all the visits,  it was time for lunch!  I had (2) TWO  hungry guys with me, and when I say hungry, I mean starving....or so they thought.

Goodness, Goodness....these two precious guys are really growing...They feasted on dishes of meatloaf, chicken, cream potatoes, fried okra, salad, corn, rolls, fruit, chocolate cake, and coconut pie.  I loved seeing them eat so healthy!

I loved my day and I sure love these kids!!

Have a great evening...


  1. Oh they are fabulous and how wonderful to have a day with them. I love their appetites too. How fun. Precious memories. Hugs, Marty

  2. There is nothing like being with the grand kids - glad you had such a wonderful day. Sandie

  3. Glad you had such a good day with your grands, Shug... Your daughters had better realize how much you do to help them in every respect... I know you love it ---but many grandparents aren't quite as accessible as you are..

    Have fun... They all grow up so fast!!!

  4. Sounds like some sweet guys! Glad you had such a great day with them.

  5. Being with my grands energizes me - as I'm sure it does you! They are handsome young men and what a beautiful Tori you have! Glad all is well and you're enjoying yourself!

  6. what a wonderful day, beautiful grands and a yummy meal as well! you are blessed!

  7. Glad you found me so I could find you! Your grandkids are beautiful and are so lucky to have such an involved grandma!!


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