Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Writings of a Housewife....

Hi  Everyone!

We have such a busy, busy week ahead.
But hey, when are the weeks not BUSY?

I don't usually make comments on my blog  in regards to the post that my blogger friends write about, but yesterday....my sweet friend, Elaine from SunnySimpleLife wrote about a topic that I have had on my mind for some time now....(Thanks Elaine...I truly enjoyed it)

It was all about "Basic Life Filled" blogs....

And this is exactly what I wanted my blog to be about from the very beginning....
Somehow, I have allowed myself to get caught up in the worries of maintaining a blog that compares with all the decorating, cooking and crafting blogs that I still love to read about each day...

I am a big fan of pinterest and I always look forward to seeing what new items that my friends come up with each day.  For this moment in time,  I am happy just to be an admirer.

I think we all know what our talents are, and I must say,  I do have certain talents when it comes to decorating, cooking and crafting....
But....this is not the path that I am seeking for my life right now....

I have owned a flower shop, and have done my share of flower arranging...I still do some floral stuff ever now and then, but only when the mood hits me.  

At one time, crafting was a huge part of my life...not only did I like it, I loved it!  However, right now, I have many other interest that are keeping me extremely busy.....

Cooking?  Hey....I am a huge collector of cook books, and I do love to cook......Just not in this particular season of my life....

So, this leads me to the real reason that I chose to start a blog.   It is truly wonderful therapy for me.....I love to write....and 
one of the most important reasons is that I love to inspire others!  

I think that for me, this is one of the main goals that I have in being a blogger....See, I have experienced some truly difficult situations in life and I know what it means to NEED inspiration......

With all of this said.....I do hope that you will understand when I say that my focus from here on out is going to be on my "Basic Life Filled" post.

Sure, there will be times when I do post pictures of my home or things that I make or put together....There may be paintings and perhaps a vignette ever now and then.  However, I no longer plan to stress over  "Keeping up with the Jones" when it comes to blogging....I plan to write and post about those things that are important in my life.

By no means, does this mean that I will not be READING and COMMENTING on the post from all of my DEAR BLOGGING FRIENDS.
(After all,  I do still love to read about all the exciting things that all of you are doing.  I love  
seeing your designs and I absolutely love the great recipes!)

My intent is not to have to worry about being creative with anything other than my writing.
I certainly hope that this post does not offend any of you and I do hope that each of you will still find my blog interesting....

I indeed love all of my blogging friends and believe me, I will be right here everyday....reading and enjoying all of your post.    At the same time, I will be doing what I love, which is writing about "Basic Life Filled Inspirations and Just Normal Everyday Life Situations of a housewife."

Sure hope you'll keep on following!

Big Hugs!

shug ~



  1. Doing what you love best has to be a good thing :]



  2. I need to go and read Elaine's post. I've been away from blogland for over a week so I'm just getting caught up. I actually agree with you very much in that I don't like it when I allow (I allow... thought that should be repeated for my own benefit. ) myself to feel compelled to post about crafts or decorating when I frankly don't have much to share there.

    Great post. Great inspiration and encouragment for me. And I certainly won't stop following. I'm one who LIKES basic life.

  3. Blogging is individual to us all and I think we learn and grow as we go along - we find our voice - it is a great outlet and I am happy to be following! Continue doing what you do best and enjoy!
    Hope you have a great day

  4. You owned a flower shop?! Oh I have always wanted to do that(not forever, just want to give it a try!) Be who you are, and write what your heart tells you...and the rest will all fall into place.
    Blessings on your day my friend.

  5. You are such a kindred spirit. Thanks for the shout out. We have very similar philosophies. I just want blogging to remain positive and not be stressful.

  6. We have some things in common, Shug. I've worked in a flower shop and owned a craft shop. It wasn't a very big craft shop but it was mine! I'm not into crafting much any more, I got burnt out on that. I love to collect recipes, but am getting to the age where cooking a lot doesn't appeal to me all that much. Every now and then I like to try out a new recipe, tho. I love to see others decorating photos and get a lot of great ideas.

    I think blogs are all unique and should be all about what each individual is interested in. I read a variety of blogs and find each one interesting!

    Keep on doing what you love and have a great day!

  7. Of course - and I think these type blogs for me - are the best - because you get to meet people. Just be yourself - you are better at it then anyone else. sandie

  8. Hi Shug! it really shows that you love to write and blog - coz your blog is always an inspiration and I love visiting:)
    Mary x

  9. Hi Shug, The best thing about blogging and bloggers is our diversity... We all have different interests and are different --one from another...

    We all also have our favorite blogs to visit --and yet, we visit blogs which we may not have much of anything at all in common with the blogger... That's what makes life interesting.

    As you know, I'm not into crafts, decorating or even cooking. I love gardening (flowers), travel, hiking, etc... We are all different and these blogs are OURS... We should be able to enjoy our blogs --and not worry about what others think --or don't think...

    Your blog is always interesting--and that is what brings us all back...

  10. Of course will continue to follow you.I look forward to what God has in store for me through your writings.

  11. Great post! Truly makes us all think about why we're blogging. You, my friend are an amazing blogger and I love reading all your blogs!


  12. Way to go, Shug! Do what you love to do!!! I only post about cooking because that's what I like. Crafts and decorating, etc. are great, but not something I'm great at so I love to read what others do for inspiration! But your flower shop---I've always wanted to do that. Love working with flowers!

    You have a great attitude and are an inspiring lady so keep up the good work!

  13. Amen! Blogging can be fun, or it can be draining. I've gone through seasons of both, and I know which one I prefer. You're such an encourager, Shug. I don't think you have anything to worry about keeping up with anyone else. xo

  14. You are finding your stride, girl. I am not a decorator, or a crafter, or anything in particular. I do like to knit... but, not all that many people are that interested in that... what I love is my family and the blessing of God's love. I enjoy my blog friends... from all kinds of different angles. I'm happy you are getting comfortable with what you want to write about. I'll be looking forward to hearing more. blessings ~ tanna

  15. Shug,
    Girlfriend, you don't know how many times I have visited here and found what I needed to carry on my day. You already are such a fine inspiration. I feel your faith and love of family and new friends. You are doing what most of us have hoped to do, inspire others., whether or not we are even aware of even doing it. Good things follow good folks. Thanks for being one of those I love to follow.

  16. It is always best to do what we feel fits us the most!! Thanks for your inspirations!! ;) xo Heather

  17. I always enjoy visiting with you, Shug-and I definitely agree we all should follow our own paths when blogging and not get caught up in trying to impress. I blog for fun and when it stops being fun, I'll stop blogging!

  18. The joy of blogging is just that, a joy! When it becomes a chore, it's lost the appeal that brings so many of us to it! I enjoy your posts, and your writing is from the heart, keep it that way! Hugs!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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