Friday, April 6, 2012

The Old Family Bible

"The Old Family Bible"

Oh I remember the family Bible, and 

how as a child, I spent many hours looking at all

of the bright colored pictures that seemed so huge 

at the time.  

I remember seeing the picture of {this man} with 

his arms opened wide and a crown of thorns that

seemed to be causing huge drops of blood to drip 

down his face.

At such a young age, it was very hard for me to 

understand, what this picture was really all about.

I can also recall, how our mother would explain 

to us about {this man} named ......"Jesus".....who 

loved us so very much.  

Over the years, "The Old Family Bible" has 

become tattered and worn, but the wisdom and 

knowledge learned from those colorful pictures, 

remain precious in my heart today......

The blood that Jesus shed for me,

way back on Calvary;

the blood that gives me strength

from day to day,

it will never lose its power.

It reaches to the highest mountain,

it flows to the lowest valley;

the blood that gives me strength

from day to day,

it will never lose its power.

It soothes my doubts and calms my fears,

and it dries all my tears;

the blood that gives me strength

from day to day,

it will never lose its power.

It's "Good Friday" and I am so thankful for
the precious Blessings that fill my life today....

Thank you Lord!

Happy Easter to each of you......

Shug ~


  1. beautiful post, welcome back from you time off,

  2. Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment.
    Blessed Easter to you and your family..

  3. Today is a very special day,but Sunday is the best.Our Lord arose. Hallelujah!

  4. Wishing you a wonderful and meaningful Easter, Shug!!

  5. Awesome post, Shug... I grew up only attending worship Sundays. During Holy Week, we only went on Palm Sunday and then Easter Sunday... I didn't understand what all of the celebration was for back then... THEN--I starting attending worship during Holy Week.. I 'experienced' the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, and Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday.... FINALLY--I understood what Easter was really all about....

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Easter.

  6. Amen, Shug. Amen. Hope you have a special Easter with your family. blessings ~ Tanna

  7. Great post! Have a lovely Easter.

  8. nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings...

  9. Thanks so much for sharing that Christ's sacrifice will never lose its power to save! Have a blessed Easter Shug!

  10. What a beautiful post for Easter Sunday. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary


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