Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Brand New Day....

Today....is a brand new day!

As each new day unfolds, it is my goal to seek Optimism and Cheerfulness in my day.  

Of course, I believe in that old saying...."Life is what you make it!" If I want my day to filled with gloom and doom, then all I have to do is to keep the window shades closed and allow my mind to travel into those "Woe is Me" kind of places.

If I want my day to filled with new beginnings, then I must be willing to look for them.  I can create a new friendship if I will open myself up to people around me. 

I can create delightful joy in our home when I allow my heart to be filled with the music of life. 

I thank God for the Amazing Day that HE has set before me.... I am  determined in my heart to 
enjoy the sweetness of this beautiful Spring day, and to give God the Glory and the Praise for 
the new life, the new hope and the new joy that HE gives......

Hey friends....Enjoy the beauty the surrounds you today!

Sweet Hugs...

Shug ~


  1. I love your new header!!! One of the first things I do when I get up as open all the curtains wide!!!! Some people live in fear of not wanting people to see in, but I cannot live in the dark, or the dimness!

  2. I can't believe what a vivid blue the eggs are!

  3. Amen! May I add my name to this post. i have been saying for a long time that I want to really 'live' each day God gives me breath.

  4. Inspiring! Always appreciate the new day before you!

  5. Great words for today! Well, I guess it's tomorrow now, but they are good for any day.

    I try to thank God every day, no matter what kind of day it is, there is so much to be thankful for. Each day is a sweet gift!

    Hope your day is a sweet one, Shug!

  6. Shug, what a beautiful sunny post! Love it!


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