Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blog Climbing

I'm not a mountain climber, but I have climbed enough hills to know that each step gets harder and harder the higher you climb.

I can pretty well say that the journey of blogging has become a mountain in itself.....I have taken several looks back and what I see is just how far I have come since day one.  This is what motivates me to keep moving forward.  

I remember the day that I decided to start blogging....I really did not know ANYTHING  about it and I barely knew anything about a computer.  The biggest thing that I had ever done on a computer was maybe to play the game of solitaire, type and print invoices, and add pictures from time to time....THAT IS IT!!

....I took the challenge and ran with it....I can tell you that I have learned Sooooo Much, BUT  I still have a Loooooong way 
to go.  Which leads me to my point today.....

Friends  teaching  Friends!!

Many of you have blogs that reflect your great abilities to understand all the buttons and whistles when it comes to making things work for you....On the other hand, there are those like myself that need friends to teach them...

I would love to see some of you teach  classes in these areas. (Maybe, just one day a week for a while.) I know that there are places that we can go on the web, that will give some information, but the terms that are used are not always something that (I) understand...You see, it's not that I am too lazy to look the details up for myself, I just do not understand them.

For to get "Linky Followers"  (sure, I went to the Linky site, but it's one thing to sign up for up, but getting the button on my blog is another????)..How to make your own follow button, how to make a signature for your name at the bottom of your post, how to get more advertisers and make your blog work for you.....ETC,ETC...ETC
I know this is simple stuff to most of you, but for me it is like climbing part of the way up a mountain, only to realize that
I have come up against a wall and without the tools I need and help from others, I'll never make it to the top....

Hope you all can understand what I'm talking about and I hope that someday, (after having help from my friends) I will have enough wisdom to help other bloggers that are tracking up the same mountain that I am climbing...



  1. I'm just like you, Shug! And all the cool photos people make with the PhotoShop, I admire them so much. I would also like to have a special signature, but don't know how. even some of the words they use to teach, I don't know what they mean...Hey, I just bought a book called Blogging For Dummies, it is a thick paperback, I'm hoping it will help.

  2. I know the feeling of wanting to learn new things,I get that way too,but generally my son keeps pushing me to advance on the computer. I love your posts and will keep on reading them,but I am a lousy teacher.

  3. I feel like you! I have made a button and a signature for myself. I Googled "How to make a blog button" and found a website, can't remember who, and followed the instructions on the site. There are sites out there that give instructions. Google what you want to learn and see where it leads you! Enjoy your day!

  4. I learned most of what I know from googling it too, I enjoy your blog very much , I'm not much of a computer persom either but I did manage to do a few things I never thought I would,, I have not done a linky button for a link party but I have the linky button is not really to bad, if I can help I would love too.I put a mr.linky thing on mine.
    click join, then just follow the directions, it will tell you to copy a code and it comes up under options if you need to right down what they tell you do that , then that way you won't have to keep going back to re read it.I wish I was closer I would show you, I give lousey directions.It is a java script code like adding a gadget on your blog design.

  5. I "google" a lot of stuff to learn how to do it! Blogging has become a great way for me to be creative late at night! lol


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