Monday, February 13, 2012

Using our Talents.....

good morning friends....

Brrrrr....I say's cold outside
today!  and it is raining...

i am excited for what the day has to bring?  i am thrilled about all the endless possibilities that will be offered to me today...

i am Blessed and i hope that today i can share my gifts, my possessions, my talents and my love for God, with everyone i see....

my desires are to be the kind of woman whose life serves as a powerful example of righteousness.  i want to use my time and my talents wisely...

speaking of talents...we all have talents that God has given us, but this does not mean that we are going to have INSTANT success when it comes to our gifts.

Take, for example,  the talented voice of the late "Whitney Houston"....if it had not been for her willingness to sing in the church at a younger age, along with the determination that she possessed, Whitney's talents may have never reached the heights that were so deserving...and i say deserving because God blessed her with a voice that could sing and even though she endured many battles during her career, there still were times when she ministered to so many people, with a voice as beautiful as 
those of angels.....

our talents and gifts are given to us in order to bring Glory to God....What a shame it is if we squander away these special gifts....

let it be known, that every single gift is unique in it's own way, and even the smallest of gifts can bring enormous amounts of Praise and Glory to God.

what we are is God's gift to us....What we become is our gift to God!!!

all that we need to do is to be willing to be used....and then to cultivate and nurture what God has given us.

Lord, help me to be a worthy example of your love today, tomorrow, and always...and let my light shine for others to see......



  1. Hi Shug!!! Part of YOUR gift is this blog!!! Uplifting and informative without being preachy. And you have an awesome brother, too!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, Shug!! Hope yours is filled with lots of love and fun! blessings ~ tanna

  3. I am hoping for you a great Valentine's Day. sandie


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