Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our trip to Oklahoma paid off well for me....I found a couple of old things that I have been looking to find for quite a while    now....Like this old gum ball machine!  The very minute that my eyes caught a glimpse of this beauty, I knew it was calling my name....Did I pay too much for it?  I certainly hope not!  I do know that Sam got them to come off of the original price about twenty dollars....

I love, love, love the feet of this sweet little GBM....

My precious grandchildren can not believe that this machine requires 5 cents in order for them to get a piece of gum...
The way I see it is....5 cents x 6 = 30 cents a day...
30 cents x 365 =  $109.50 a year....
Just a $109.50 a year, but it will make for a great contribution to some organization at the end of the year.
And the best part....they are making a sacrifice as well as receiving a small treat....

Next Item.....Scales!  Just have always wanted some scales!
This is a temporary spot for now....I have to wait for my cabinet top to be put on before  I  know exactly where to hang them.

Speaking of having the counter tops changed....My contractors are back this morning....We are almost finished with the re-model.  Woo hoo!

My wonderful brother (JOE)

This was Sam's purchase....A decanter that holds a salt and pepper shaker along with a couple of other bottles...It came with three bottles, and he just so happened to find another container at a different antique shop...He just needs to find one more to make the set complete.  But hey, this calls for another trip to some antique shops!!

Another purchase of Sam's....Not sure what this is. 
Does anyone know?  Needs some polish and a some cleaning up, but I really do think it is a gorgeous piece...

It is going to be a beautiful day here with the expected temps reaching into the upper 70's......For now, I suppose I had better get outside and make sure these contractors are doing their job.  

More antiques to show you later...



  1. I have friends that would have enjoyed your antiquing trip. Me, I'm only interested in antiques if they were in our family. But, I do like your purchases and the gum ball machine should serve you well with the Grans. A fun read!

  2. I'm so glad to see what you bought!! The last bottle is so pretty! It looks like maybe a syrup bottle? LOVE the gumball machine!! I got our granddaughter a Hello Kitty one a while ago. But it is nothing like this awesome antique one!! The scales are WAY cool, can't wait to see how they look in your new kitchen!

  3. I can feel the excitement in your writing. This is good.I am so glad you had a good time and found these treasures.

  4. Ginny is right. That is a syrup bottle. My mother used to have a similar one....

    Looks like you found alot of great new treasures for your home. Glad you have room for all of the 'goodies'....


  5. Great goodies!
    Love, love, love the gumball machine!


  6. Love antiquing- so much fun. I thought syrup bottle too, but not sure.

  7. LOVE those scales. You did find all kinds fun things, Shug!! blessings ~ tanna

  8. Love your antiques. Especially the 5 cent gum ball machine - you cannot buy anything for a nickel anymore. sandie

  9. Oh Mylanta!! That gumball machine is ADORABLE. I'll have to keep my eyes open for one :)

    I'm stopping by via the blog hop. Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower.

    Lots of love,


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