Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?

It's gonna be a "Superlicious" day.....I can feel it in my bones....

Actually....we have rain in the forcast, and this just makes my day!!


The title of my post is "What are you waiting for?"

My immediate response to the above scene was.....

What are you waiting for?

This is the scene that Trista, Tori, and I saw yesterday morning as we were driving down a country road, while heading to Tyler's basketball game.....

Buzzards.....all lined up on the fence post, just waiting for something good to eat!!

As we drove by, the buzzards just sat, we immediately turned around, in hopes that we could capture a picture of these big vultures....

And we did....all six or seven were still sitting on their same fence post....the camera then flashed and away they flew...

Only two of them stayed around to make sure that they would be first to get their share of the meal...

The buzzards did make for a good photo shot, but what I loved most was the above picture....An old Barn!!  You gotta love old barns!

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Hey Y'all....I sure hope you all have a fantastic Sunday...

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  1. Those turkey buzzards (vultures) really had a good spot to wait for something to eat, didn't they? I wonder if each fence post is for a 'specific' vulture???? Maybe they had their spots marked... ha ha

    Nice old barn...

  2. they are huge aren't they, the buzzards I mean.I love old barns, any barn I love, thanks for sharing!!

  3. I really do love old barns! Great shot!

  4. I have a few buzzard pictures, but they are blurry, yours are good! How wild, each has his own fence post!! What a good catch, especially with the old barn!

  5. I have a deep love of old barns, too! I'm amazed at the fence sitting vultures. They make me think of the scene from "The Jungle Book" with the shrugging buzzards.

    "What do you want to do?"
    "I don't know... what do you want to do?"

  6. Such a wonderful family photo!!! Love the old barn! I'd never seen a buzzard conference before, but I guess they must have meetings too, LOL!! I do wonder if there is a pecking order or if it's a free for all when and if dinner presents itself!

  7. Those are some great shots, Shug!!! Love the barn and the vultures perched on the fence posts! AND I love the photo in your header. Great family scene. blessings ~ tanna

  8. Today our priest asked us for a moment of silence before he started his sermon so that we could give thanks for the RAIN. Hallelujah!

    You should share your barn photo at Tricia's Barn Charm She's got a whole thing going about barns. I'd participate but I never see any around here.

  9. You live in a beautiful part of the world - but those old buzzards look mean!
    mary x

  10. That was a beautiful barn - amazing what you see when you keep your eyes open! sandie


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