Friday, December 2, 2011

Moments like this are simply the best.....

I am sitting here early this morning, visiting with the best guy in the whole world...MY HUBBY!

Christmas tree lights are sparkling, fire in the fireplace, and sipping a warm cup of coffee....

Life is so very good....

                                  * * *

Heading out to First Monday this morning....Can't wait to hit the hustle and bustle.  Much to do and much to see!!

Hope to have pictures to show you tomorrow...

Have a happy Friday.



  1. you just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside,, such a perfect setting,
    I don't know about First Monday,, sounds interesting

  2. Your morning sounds delightful. You know, I never got to do a First Monday. Darn. And now I'm moving, so I guess it won't happen. Hope it's a fun day!

  3. Sounds perfect. Have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  4. I'm glad things are going good for you. I hope you have a nice day!

  5. I hope you have fun and get lots of things! sandie

  6. Guess I'm really out of it, I don't know what First Monday is!!! Has it something to do with Advent? Whatever it is, we don't have one!! Anyway, I hope you have fun and I'm looking forward to reading about it and seeing!!!

  7. Awwww, your livin' the life sweetie!

    God bless and have a remarkable weekend!!! :o)

  8. What a GREAT way to start your day.

  9. What a nice way to start your day!
    Enjoy, jj

  10. LOL! We were there, too, Shug!! Shoot fire, we could have had a piece of pie and a cup of coffee and visited! Hope you all had lots of fun; we sure did. blessings ~ tanna

  11. Sounds like a lot of fun!! Interesting photos! Love that strong red in the poinsettia!!


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