Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In Order

Before I get to my "IN ORDER" topic......I wanted to let you know that each day this week, I will be posting a few of our Christmas pictures!  Our family enjoyed a Great Christmas!

A fun game.....maybe a tad bit messy to start with, but lots and lots of fun for the
kiddos!!!   You cover the snowmen with vaseline!  (This is the yucky part)  Then,
the kids had to stand behind a line and throw cotton balls onto the body of their snowman...
We divided them into teams and the team that had the most cotton balls on their snowman, when the buzzer sounded......Won a PRIZE!!!!

Again....teams were chosen and the snowball fight was on!!!!
They have like a minute to wad up as many snowballs as they can.....You really have to be quick in this game....The object is to have a few snowballs on your side as possible when the buzzer sounds.....What the kids didn't know was that each snowball was marked with different colors....If they were left with SB's on their side, then they had to find the color and what ever was required for that particular color....(for example:  purple meant that the team had to stand up and do the chicken dance with Pop' may have been that they had to sing a song....etc)

Shanda....helping her dad make it through the relay race!!!   The older you are, the harder this race is!!

By The Way.....did you notice we all have on our PJ's? 
It's a tradition!! 


For the rest of my post......

I want you to know that everything around this house is in "ORDER"

Yesterday.....I got up and was determined that I was going to get this house back in order.....Tree came boxes stored away....Christmas tree decorations, carefully packed away (In RED
containers)......snowmen, santa, christmas greenery, candles...placemats....dishes....bows....outside lights and decorations......ALL STORED AWAY!

But, it didn't stop there.....I cleaned this house from top to bottom!
Floors dusted....laundry done....even my recipe box was put back in order....

It does look bare around here, but at least it is Clean.

You know, ever now and then, we must do the same with our hearts....  We must deep clean!

We need to get rid of those grudges that we hold onto from time to time...We need to throw away the demands that we place upon ourselves and others....

How about things like, self-pity, selfishness, anger, tempers, and especially during this time of the year, this thing called ENVY!

We need to get our hearts "IN ORDER"

Let God "REFRESH" us.....May we allow HIS radiant presence
to Keep our thoughts and our hearts in order....

Warm hugs to each of you...



  1. great post, great photos and great message,,

  2. Gosh, you are really on the ball, Shug!! I have started keeping my decorations up till Epiphany, we get more days of seeing it, and I usually have company after Christmas, so it is nice for them to see the tree and decorations. Also, I get a big rest after the holidays before I have to start taking everything down! I LOVE your header, reminds me of I Love Lucy!! Sounds like you guys had a ball at Christmas, the games look like fun and I can't wait to see more.

  3. I always use that word after Christmas....order! I always have to get my house back in order. Important to make sure our hearts and minds are in order as well. As always, such a great message Shug.

  4. My decorations are all packed away and I get the feeling that I need to organize my house. Thanks for the reminder to keep my heart in order as well.

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and you are organized - I use to be more organized - but the older I get the more I let go. But I never let go of God. sandie

  6. Oh, your family has so much fun together!! Just wonderful!! And, the part about getting in order... so very true. Hope you have a wonderful week and thank you so much for your prayer today, Shug. Means more than you can know. blessings ~ tanna

  7. It looks like you guys had a ball all in your jammies. Glad you had a blessed Christmas.


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