Monday, November 14, 2011

All In The Day of a Bug...

Borrowed Photo

Wake up sleepy heads.....

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Who needs a little humor to start the week? 

On Saturday, Trista, Ty, Kelsey (Tyler's girlfriend) and I
made our way to Eustace to watch Tyler play in an
opening season, scrimmage basketball tournament....

Tyler is the one shooting the ball in the above picture...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Immediately after our team played, two other teams played the next game...

I'm not really sure if it was a very good game or not, and I truthfully do not even know which team won...
The reason why is shown in the pictures below....

I know that the pictures are blurry.....but they are good enough for you to be able
to understand the story behind "All in the day of a Bug."

Here we the middle of an intense basketball game...
10 players on the court and 2 referees.  All twelve of these guys
running up and down the court numerous times...

and then, there was this bug.......

We will call him Bulldog.....Bulldog must have decided that
he too, wanted to be on the action.....

Bulldog made his first debut somewhere around the
half-court area....This tiny little bug was on a mission.  A mission that would put his life in danger.

Talking about action, Bulldog was now in the free-throw could he survive?   I'm telling this point
we all thought that Bulldog was going to be a gonner!

He was now in trouble....huge feet, dancing all around him,
coming within fractions of an inch from making Bulldog
a non-existing little bug...

The people in the stands were cheering him on...and finally, this little fellow made it into a somewhat safer area....He crossed the boundary line and in just a few minutes, Bulldog would once again be safe.....

Back to a sheltered place...Free now to munch on
all the left-over goodies like spilled popcorn and
bits of sugar from the candy that had been dropped on the

Yes....It was an exciting day.....This bug named Bulldog held his
audience captive and in the end we all cheered!

~ ~ ~ ~
I'm thankful that all of this excitement was not taking place while the "Bears" were playing.....I'm not sure that I would have seen Tyler make the shot in that first picture....I'm pretty sure I would have still been cheering on Bulldog..

Hey Y'all....Have a great day...

Shug ~


  1. Shug, That is the funniest thing I've read. How hilarious for the audience to be cheering for a bug!!!
    I wonder if the boys realized~~~
    Thanks, too, for stopping in and commenting on my simplicity but I still want those boots from Dillards.

  2. aww, good for the bug, he could very well ahve been squashed by all the busy feet! Happy Monday,

  3. Good old bug - amazing he survived!
    mary x

  4. You gotta root for the underdog! Cute story, Shug!

  5. Hi Shug!

    I'm so glad it was a real bug, I thought maybe you had caught a cold bug!! Poor little Bulldog, I'm glad he made it across the court, hope he made it home okay!


  6. Aww, I never thought I'd feel pity for a roach looking bug, but your story made me sad. Glad he made it out safe. I think! LOL

  7. I thought you were sick at first too. What kind of bug was that?



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