Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stillness In My Day...

I took this picture Saturday evening around 6:30.  The sun was beaming on just one section of the road.  This is just an old country road that we call........ "Red Bud Road."  

What I see in this picture is "Stillness."

"Be Still and Know that I am God" 
       Psalm 46:10

I know that for me, in my stillness, I am able to hear the voice of God in ways that
everyday noise does not allow...  Being still before God also allows Him to speak directly to
my soul, which is so important in order for me to allow God to direct my paths.  (Being Still is definitely something that I need to do more of.....)

In our world today, we forge ahead in such a fastness and we are always trying to figure things
out before God has given us the insight to do so....(I) find myself missing out on all the benefits by not waiting on the Lord....I sometimes think of all the Blessings that I missed out on, just because I choose to do things in MY own timing....

BUT......When I am STILL, I find it so refreshing to sense the presence of the Lord and to feel Him all around me.  I love it when I take the time to open wide the window of my soul and to allow God to lead me!

"In Him who is the source of my strength, I have strength for
                                    Philippians   4:13

Give someone a "Smile" today!

Shug ~


  1. beautiful words and beautiful photo,, thanks for sharing

  2. Excellent inspirational post, Shug. Hope you have a blessed Sunday.

  3. This picture needs to be enlarged,framed and hanging in someone home,preferably mine.LOL I love it.Yes,being still is when God can speak to me.

  4. This road is stunning, it looks like it is frozen in time!! And the sun is shining just right on it.

  5. Beautiful post today Shug!
    I would love to take a drive down that road. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Inspirational words and photo. Thanks for sharing. I often need that gentle reminder to slow down and be still and just listen. It is so easy to get caught up in today's faced paced world.

  7. I love that post and picture - I feel God covers and protects us.

    And here is a :) for you.

  8. Shug, the only thing that could be lovelier than that awesome photo would be the words inspired by it.

    Beautifully written.

  9. Beautiful words Shug. I also love that header collage.

  10. Beautiful post..lovely words! Hope you're had a wonderful SONday!

    xoxo Gert

  11. What a phenomenal photo you took! I'm so glad you shared those words today about being still. I have a lot of trouble with that and know I need to change it! Hope you had a blessed weekend and will have a blessed week ahead.

  12. The country road scene is beautiful, Shug! And so are the words. Hope your Sunday was beautiful, too!


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