Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Morning, and thanks for joining me today for the second part of this post.......

 One Nation Under GOD.....

During those trying days after 911, there were no empty pews in the churches of America.

People were searching for comfort.....they were searching for answers....

The devastation that occurred on 9/11 will always and forever be a part of this great nations past and those who loss their lives on that terrible day, will never be forgotten......

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

God knows the sincerity that is within each of us.....HE knew the sincerity that we felt that day

as America cried out for help.......

What concerns me is how we can be a nation  that calls out to God in it's worst hour, and yet,

be the same nation that  refuses to acknowledge Him in parts of our daily living....

Please do not get me wrong, I am not judging.......I am simply pointing out a fact, that when we needed

God in those desperate days, we ran to Him and He was there (as He always is) with open arms.....

And Now.....years later, We are slowly seeing God being removed, right before our eyes... 

Why must it be that we ask for a moment of silence to replace ...."Let Us Pray."

We should not be accepting of those moments of silence....We should be reaching our hands

towards Heaven and Praising God for this FREE land that we live in.....

God's name is worthy of our Praise! His Mercy is worthy of our Praise!

This nation needs Prayer......

We need to put God back in the classroom...We need God in our Homes.....AND

we need God in our Nations Capital.

What America needs is to see the Leaders of this country, on their Knees before the Lord!!!!

We, as citizens have the right to demand that those men and women we elect into office be men and women of God.  Not just by the sound of their voice proclaiming it, but by the actions that they live and stand by......

This Country can overcome, but it cannot overcome without GOD!!

Thomas Jefferson said it clearly......"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just;

that His justice cannot sleep forever."

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My friends.....these words are for the America of today......

God is the anchor that holds this country together, and if we continue to remove Him from it, this nation may experience regrets that we could have never imagined possible...

Continue to pray for our country...pray for our leaders....pray that these leaders will seek the wisdom of the Lord.

God has already shown immeasurable mercy to this Country and we as God's people need to
pull together and live each day with unshakable Faith!

Many Blessings to each of you...

shug ~


  1. Hi Shug! Good message in your post today. We have become a complacent people in this country, myself included. We have sat back and allowed so much to happen. It's time to stand up for what is right and good for this country and ourselves before it's too late. 2 Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind here.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Amen Shug - I agree with you. sandie

  3. You spoke the soon we get back to our regular routines when a tragedy happens!

  4. Couldn't agree more. Makes me so sad to see what is happening in this country. I hear so much about tolerance, but when it comes to Christ, religion, OUR beliefs...where is tolerance then?

  5. To have God in your life we need humility...not enough of that going around these days. Thanky you for sharing your faith with others!

  6. Amen, and all this goes for Canada as well. We NEED God.


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