Monday, July 18, 2011

Along the Pathway

The wonder of living is held within the beauty of silence, the glory of the sunlight, the sweetness of a warm summer's day, the quite strength of the earth, and the love that lies at the very root of all things.

When we take time to notice the smallest, even the simplest things in life, we never have to lack for encouragement.  We are surrounded by God's awesome love and assurance...

 Live your life enjoying the footpath to peace. Instead of rushing through the day, stop and consider the hand that gave life to that newly-opened flower....the hand that brings forth the beauty of silence and the hand that guides us along that pathway of fulfillment...

Blessings to each of you...  Hugs and more hugs!

Shug ~


  1. Beautiful picture and words.God gives us so much,daily and too often,I take it for granted.

  2. what a beautiful gate,, and beautiful words as well

  3. I wish I could slow down more!
    We are blessed with so much beauty to appreciate
    We just need to take this advice and take the time to smell the roses!
    Thanks for reminding me!

  4. So true - it's good to remember to get off the fast track and take time!
    Mary x

  5. Hi Shug, I just commented on someone else's blog about the enjoyment of the simple things in life. There's so much beauty everywhere we look. We all truly need to look for this beauty and then share it with others...


  6. Hi Shug, I am eternally thankful for you; what a good message, at a moment when my heart is despairing and things look so dim, I can recall a moment of God's beauty and refocus my heart on him. Thank you for the reminder.
    Have a great week, Hugs, Pam

  7. Beautiful picture to go with your beautiful words.

  8. Lovely sentiment and one to pay attention to. Slowing down...observing the delights around us..and enjoying them...key.

  9. Wonderful sentiment and so true. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. A great reminder to slow down and enjoy what you have in front of you.

  11. Amen Shug!! What a beautiful post today...when we take time to slow down, it is impossible not to see the beauty of the Lords creation and hear HIS voice .... Oh to be in HIS Presence!

    Love your new look!!

  12. Aww, hugs back to you! Such a beautiful sentiment.

  13. Bid Pops here ... Just want to respondulate on what u man said about his mtr boat - I said to myself, what does that tree pruning, pecan eatin, dirt poor farm boy know about working on mtr boats ... I have done told him that they'd folks make a livin repairing mtr boats and you don't see them trying ton raise mulberry bushes on their mtr boat parking lot ... Tell him to let them take care of the mtr boat so he can git grandchillins on the water ... Take Care and shoot straight
    PS Marsha typted this for me _ check spelling


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