Thursday, July 28, 2011

Watch Out For The Nickle.....

Good Morning.....It's a splendid thing to know that God is already here....He is in this day....He is walking beside me...His mercy's are new every morning.... and I Praise His name!

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I love to wear jewelry!   My favorite two things are long dangle ear rings, and bracelets of all kinds..... I think that multiple bangles are attractive looking and besides, I love the sound that they make when they clink together!

In my opinion, jewelry just completes an outfit........Wouldn't you know it though, it just so happens that I am allergic to a lot of metals that jewelry is made out of, and I am especially allergic to NICKLE!

Is there anyone else out there that has this problem?  If so, you know how annoying it can be when you try to wear earrings, a necklace or bracelet, and you end up with blister bumps on your skin....

If I leave earrings IN my ears for more than ten minutes, it leaves me itching for days...
I can wear the clip kind of earrings, but the selections are very few.....Like I said, I love the earrings that dangle and are long, but I very seldom find them in clip earrings....

(I've tried all those little things that is suppose to putting clear nail polish on the studs and buying the sensitive skin earrings.....just doesn't work for me)

Ever once in a while, I will throw on a bracelet or a necklace just for a change and I can usually get by wearing them for just a while....Lately, I have been wearing some bangles, and a few weeks ago I noticed a couple of little bumps on my arm....They were itching like crazy, but for some unknown reason (like I'm too busy to pay attention to what I'm doing) the thought of it being the same old thing.......  (nickle in the bracelets) never crossed my mind.... I have this phobia about BED BUGS.......I immediately thought "Oh Geez....surely I don't have bed bugs!"  (Yikes, I have never seen one, but there sure is a whole lot of talk about them these days)

All I know about Bed Bugs is the little saying that I say to my grandkids....

Night, Night..
Sleep Tight....
Don't let the bed bugs bite
and if they do, take off your shoe
next time, they won't bother you!

Well Girls....and guys, I checked my bed thoroughly and with no site of bed bugs, I began to think ?????......where are these bumps coming from?  Then I remembered the bracelets. 
Sure enough....not wearing the bracelets has been the cure.....Bumps are gone...

Here is something that you all may want to know....for years, the inside of my mouth would stay irritated all the time...My tongue was so sore and constantly felt as if I had burned it.  One day, while I was visiting with my dentist, I asked him what the fillings in my mouth were made of ....
Guess what??   NICKLE!

Over a span of about six months, I had all those fillings replaced $$*#$$* with porcelain and in less than two months, my mouth was clear.....Woo Hoo!!

Just sayin' .....If you have any of these issues, you just might want to check for nickle allergies...

Another thing that I have recently learned is that cigarette smoke contains nickle....I am guessing that this is the reason I get sick when I am around any kind of cigarette smoke...

I suppose I could just always wear this kind of jewelry....wouldn't have to worry about blisters on my skin.....

Thanks for reading Shug's 101 class .........Allergies of Nickle......

Sweet Blessings,

shug ~


  1. I've never heard of this before. Sounds like it must be gold jewelry for you!
    I had an allergy to the sun for 13 years, then the chemical make-up of my body changed and I've been fine every since. It would be nice if that would happen for you too.

  2. you are so cute! thanks for sharing...i have a phobia of bed bugs too.
    Good morning to you too!
    love and blessings, Jill

  3. There are many people who have this nickel allergy! I know what you mean about the clip earrings, I don't have pierced ears, and the selection of clip ons is not good! What a story about your teeth!!! I am obsessed with the bed bugs, too! And even the five star hotels have them now. This is one big reason I will not travel. They have followed people home in their belongings, and people on our local news have had to get rid of all their stuff and lost their jobs! It is in epidemic proportions now! And you also have to be careful when you buy a new mattress, they deliver it in the truck where they take away customers old mattresses, and the bugs will crawl from the old ones to the new!

  4. Man, sorry you had to endure mouth pain for so long before you found out the culprit! Maybe you helped someone else with your post today. Blessings to you sweet lady.

  5. Yikes! So sorry that you have that allergy, Shug. But, I am glad you figured out what it was! blessings ~ Tanna

  6. Shug.. Glad I'm not allegic to that, but some other metals do hurt my ears when I wear 'cheap' ear rings.. The joys huh? Glad you found out about the fillings..

    xoxo Gert

  7. Glad you found solutions to these allergies and problems you faced because of these allergies. I'm a minimalist when it comes to jewellery and the older I get the fewer times I wear mine!


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