Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My First Cloche

Good Morning form the Big State of "TEXAS"

Let me tell you, this state is Sunny and HOT!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have been so very excited about today.....I am joining Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life 
for a Summer Cloche Party...

This will be my first ever "link" to a party!  I can't wait!!

I am * (49) *...... and I must admit that until last year, I had never heard of the word


Funny isn't it?  I am a country girl, but from what I now know....even most country girls own a cloche!

My blogging friends have certainly educated me about these things they call cloches....

(The cloche that I'm displaying today is a solid piece of glass shaped like a dome)

The above tad of info is for those of you, who like me, do/did not have a clue about these things...

I did purchase one and I will be on the look out for several more.  I have discovered that I can do all kinds of things with these glass domes....

Just simply make a few changes, and you suddenly have a brand new look....

Mylee often will say...."shug...I no touch dat?"

and shug says..."That's right Mylee!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have enjoyed being here today and hope to join other parties real soon.....

Here's hoping you all have a Blessed day!

Shug ~


  1. Hi Shug! I'm so glad you're on the cloche wagon now! :) They are fun, aren't they, and you've put together some lovely displays! I'm in Texas too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Shug!
    Looks like you are well on your way with your cloche king"dome"!!!
    Love that you put the framed photo under it too.
    So pretty!
    Nice to meet you.
    Stay cool.

  3. Great ideas for someone who's never used a cloche as a display. I may just try this too.
    My favorite is the bird one.
    Sweet little granddaughter knows already what's off limits! What a smartie.

  4. Your vignettes are cute! Congrats on your first cloche-have fun:@)

  5. Yeah! You joined a link-up! Can I say how proud I am!lol. Your cloche is lovely, and I love your new header!

  6. Was telling BJ about your cloche blog and he said the best kolaches he ever ate was at donut shop in Athens - have to take you and Sam there

  7. Enjoy your choche party, Shug.. There are many bloggers out there who are really 'into' this kind of stuff... ENJOY...

  8. Like you I've never heard of a cloche! I'm sure you will be the life of the Cloche Par-tay! :)

  9. and thats a great one too, I love how you've displayed with it,, so pretty,, they are fun aren't they,, you know I have used them in my garden for years to cover young seedlings,, it protects them until they get a good start,, now they are used for everything under the sun!You have the very best day,, OK

  10. What a cool idea! And everything you put in them looks great! I love the beautiful ball one. You are really tempting me to buy one, but I am not a decorator. I do have quite a few little doilies I could put under it, though, hmmm...

  11. Shug, I am so thrilled you joined the party, aren't cloches just so much fun. It makes everything look so special. I love all of your displays. You have already mastered the "cloche" technique. Thanks for joining. Hugs, Marty

  12. These are fun aren't they??
    Just wanted to say thanks for the sweet comment
    on my anniversary post, it was very sweet of you.

    Yes, it is a HOT summer--wating for Fall.


  13. Oh Shug... first I love your new banner!! and second...thank you for the information on cloches, like you I had no idea what a cloche was!! smile... I've seen the domes, just had no idea that they were called a cloche! Beautiful...

    xoxo Gert

  14. Hi Shug!

    Boy, have I ever missed out on things the last 4 weeks!! I don't have time to go back through all the posts, but I can say that I indeed LOVED the last two posts on your site!! Your cloche, it is very beautiful and so versatile! I don't have one, but I bet I'll have one by next week...;0)


  15. Well,I learned something new today.I had no idea what you were referring to.I can see the decorative possibilities with this.

  16. G'day Shug, I haven't forgotten you. Promise! I've had a few troubles with blogger. Oh my, today I have clicked here and there, unchecked boxed here and there, and I think it's now working properly. Thank goodness... I may have been at my computer desk all day and night. I have lots of will power and I never give up (well rarely but not without a fight/not easily.) LOL. Anyway, my dear friend, I have enjoyed this post very much, because I've learnt something new today. Yipee! Who says you can't teach an old chook anything. Hehe. Before today, I had never heard of a Cloche. Hope you're enjoying the days and still getting out and about on your daily walks. GOD BLESS! Smiles, Kerrie

  17. I also learned something today, Yea!! Just too cute and i also love the possibilities. Thank you sweet Shug for sharing yourself and your ideas. Your home is beautiful.

  18. You may be new to cloches, but you already have some good ideas on how to use one. :D
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  19. Beautiful looking displays in your cloches.
    Your a natural!



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