Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just Something I Want To Do!

Ok....There is Just something that I want to do, but I don't know how......

I think I have mentioned before, that I am a visual learner.....I can have all kinds of patterns right in front of me, but they are totally useless when it comes to my learning abilities......

I need the personal attention I guess....If I can watch someone doing a craft, then I can usually pick right up on it...once I see something done, I'm really a fast learner....

 Take this for example.....This is something that I know I could do if only I could find someone to teach me....What is it you ask?   

Rug Hooking......wool rug hooking!

This is just something that I have always wanted to do and someway, somehow....I am determined to learn...

So...yesterday I went back to the only place (store) that I know of that has classes that teach you how to rug hook....Maybe I should say the only place that is close to me without having to drive a hundred miles...

This is the fourth time that I have been in to sign up for a class....They either lose my phone number or the class is made up of club members and they are not interested in having new members....Needless to say, I have not been called for the class yet...

I know that I will need one of these, so should I take a chance and ask for a hooking frame for my birthday?

I don't think need to get it and have it just sitting there in the closet, not being used....

This is truly something I want to do, so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that I get a call SOON!!

Who knows...when I do first piece may just have to be a GIVE-A-WAY!!

Have a good day and don't forget to pray...for our Country!


shug ~


  1. Shug - we are two of a kind - I have to see something and then i can do it! No good sending me pages of instructions - that's why I like cookery books with pictures!!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you to find and class
    All the best,
    Mary oxox

  2. Shug: I just went and checked for videos on this on YouTube. com. There are several of them and they look pretty good. In fact, now I might want to try this! :) Just go to and type in Wool Rug Hooking in the search box.

  3. Shug
    I have that very frame on the top shelf of my closet-no lie! I decided 3 yrs. ago I would try my hand at rug hooking. I had done it years ago but let it fall by the wayside. Well I never got around to it. Maybe this winter!
    The grear USA is always in my prayers!

  4. Something I have never tried. Hopefully you will get a call soon. Hugs, Marty

  5. I hope you get called this time, Shug!!! That rug is just too pretty to walk on! I would have to make small ones and hang them up! I am just like you, a visual learner!

  6. Aww...I hope they call you. Looks like a fun, relaxing hobby.

    Praying for RAIN!

  7. If there's a will, there's a way.. You'll find that class ---or find someone who will teach you.. Just keep asking/looking.. Don't give up!!!!!


  8. Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my coffee table. You asked about the round table by the sofa. Yes, I made the tablecloth. I made a round one out of a brown fabric and then covered it with a square one that goes all the way to the floor. I think I need to shorten the table a little. It was that height for a different sofa that had much taller arms, so it is really a little tall. However that means redoing both cloths, and that seems like a ton of work, so I've just left it alone. Hugs, Marty

  9. Good luck on starting a new craft! I know there are several hookers (as in rugs...LOL) in blogland. Hope you find what you need to get started. Take care!

  10. Oh, Shug!! I know JUST the place!! Laura taught me to hook years ago and she is a wonderful teacher!! She has beginner classes... fun classes... and is available to just help you out on Thursdays and Fridays at Rose Path Weaving in Lindale. She is on vacation right now, but you can check her blog Bee Hive Rug, on the sidebar of my blog. She has a page for upcoming classes. You will LOVE seeing all the inspiring rugs in the shop and the wonderful help! blessings ~ tanna

  11. I think the hooked rugs are just beautiful. I, of course, would never try it because I have two left hands for anything remotely like it. I hope you get to your class and find out that it's as fun as you hope it will be.


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