Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fun-Tastic Weekend....

Hi Ya'll....happy Sunday!

This has been a busy weekend....I guess this is just the way a Holiday Weekend should be!!

We drove to Dallas on Saturday to see baby Zoey and to check on the  family....

Here is Zoey's update......She was doing better when Sam and I were there, but they have since put in a feeding tube.....Some of the test results have already come back and they are negative...Praise the Lord!  However....the doctores are still waiting on several more test results...We certainly appreciate all of your prayers and would ask you to continue to pray for this little angel....


Our church service today was GREAT!...

We sang "The Star Spangled Banner"...."America the Beautiful"...and we all stood with pride as we said the "Pledge of Alliegence."  This was awesome.....

Pastor Mark's message really hit home......"Do You Want a Revoulution."     It's time that we stand up to the Devil and take back what has been stolen from us!  Our health, our loved ones, our finances, our schools, our homes, our marriages....and the list goes on and on.....

It's time for us to take all these things back and to demand the devil to Flee!!!


This evening, we enjoyed  a church picnic.....Hamburgers and Hot Dogs.....and all the trimmings.....Of course, DESSERTS too!!

This is the dessert that I took......It doesn't even have a name, but I thought it was (Pretty) good!!

So simple to make.......     1/2   of a store bought orange cake
                                                  cup up into 1 inch pieces.
                                         1/2   of a store bought strawberry cake
                                                  cup up into 1 inch pieces.
                                          1      large container of coolwhip
                                          1      container of strawberry glaze
                                        1/2    cup blueberries
                                        1/2    cup blackberries
                                          1      cup of sliced strawberries
                                        1/2     cup sliced almonds.

Layer all the ingredients in a bowl and ref.  
Wa La.....mmmmmmmmm  mmmmmmm  Good!

Your family and friends will think you slaved all day to make this simple, easy dessert!!

I have a lot of pictures to share with you, and I hope to be able to post them tomorrow....

Hope you all have had a Fun Tastic weekend....

Hugs to you all......

Shug ~


  1. that does look good,, kind of like trifle isn't it,, Happy Fourth of July!!!

  2. Wow does that look good! I may have to try that some day. Prayers are being sent to you and the baby. God Bless.

  3. Your dessert is so, so pretty!!!!! And I am so glad about the test results so far!! So glad you had such a good holiday Sunday!!!

  4. That dessert makes me hungry,but since it is bedtime,I will try not to think about food.Sounds like the message in church was just what we all need to hear and follow.

  5. Hi Shug, Sounds like you all have had a great weekend. I will keep Zoey in my prayers.

    Love your dessert... It looks so festive and perfect for a 4th of July picnic.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  6. Glad to hear that Zoey is making progress.
    More prayers are on the way.

    Enjoy your 4th!


  7. You and your hubby make a gorgeous couple!
    That dessert looks so divine mmm mmm mmm!


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