Monday, June 20, 2011

Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.
                                                                        Proverbs 16:20

Good Morning Happy Friends......

 Hope all of you had a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius

kind of weekend!  I'm not really sure that this word

holds any kind of definition, but it sounds like a FUN

word.  SO.....I hope you all had a FUN weekend!!


Trust in the Lord.....this is exactly what I want my message to be today....

For those of you who read my post this past Saturday, you
probably could sense a little frustration in my words..

Sam and I had this perfect weekend planned, and it seems like everything that could go wrong.....WENT WRONG!

I'm not making any apologies for being frustrated, because I know this is just part of being human.....HOWEVER....I wish that I would learn to realize that when PERFECT plans don't go my way, that the LORD has a reason and I need to TRUST HIM!

You see......we were not suppose to come home from our extended weekend trip until late today.....but, with all the challenges of not feeling well and the hotel being what I call OVER CROWDED, we decided to come on home...

About an hour after we got here, Sam had a phone call informing him that the farm was on fire (again)

He ended up fighting the fire (along with the fire dept.)
for about 6 hours.  It is contained, but still burning...
Praise the Lord, the fire did not reach any of the crop trees!
We need RAIN so very bad and I would ask you to please be in
prayer for the Lord to send us this much needed rain.

Yes, we need to trust God!
There was a reason that we needed to be home this weekend...
If Sam had not been here, things could have been much worse
than they were....Sam is exhausted, so please be in prayer for him as well....The temps reached 104 that day, and with the extra heat of a brush fire surrounding you, plus the continuous effort of maintaining the enormous flames, you can see how one would easily become weak..

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Have a Blessed Day....

Shug ~



  1. you and your family are in my prayers,, its one of natures most violent acts , bush fire,, very scary, and so unpredictable,, have a calm relaxing day, you can only do what you can the rest just let go,

  2. My best to you and Sam - thank Goodness he was in fact on hand to contain the damage.
    Mary x

  3. Hi Shug!

    Blessings to you sweet friend. It sounds like you had a pretty rough week-end! You will be in my prayers. I love the scripture, it's one of my favorite . . . I refer to it a lot.

    Gentle Hugs,

  4. God leads in mysterious ways.We can usually only see this in hindsight.This reminds me of some of the ways He has led in my life.I think I feel a post coming up,I'll have to think about that one for a bit.

  5. Oh my, I'm sorry about the fire! But you can see the way God is working, He wanted you home!! The heat must have been dreadful, I'm so glad Sam is alright. And that nothing important was damaged.

  6. You know, sometimes I always wonder about things like that. Say I'm driving and I really want to make it through the green light, but some bozo cuts in front of me driving 2 miles an hour making me miss it. I often wonder if the "bozo" may have saved me from a bad accident or something. You never know!!

    Sorry you all had a miserable weekend away but definitely sounds like God had other plans. I do hope we get some rain soon. They're saying it's dangerous to even bbq around here. Please Lord, bless your pitiful servants with rain!!!

  7. What a Blessing to see your grace as you deal with the fires and trials of your life. you are a women of class and may your example touch many lives. Gotta TRUST, I believe God wants that most of all from us.
    xo, jill

  8. I just got home from Virginia yesterday afternoon, as soon as we neared the state line the grass was all brown and the trees leaves getting brown, too. We do need rain so badly. I am glad that the fires did not reach your trees and I pray that Sam's strength is renewed and that rain falls soon. blessings ~ tanna

  9. Oh, yes...we are having a lot of fires around here, too. It's so hot and dry and just LOOKING at something just might start something burning.

    I wanted to clean up and fix up our patio for this porch party (I had just shown my porch when posting about the awning) but I walked out there, it was so dang hot, I just turned around and came right back in. Whew...guess I am a titty baby.:)

  10. I have tried and tried to leave a comment. This time I'll just say Hi!

  11. Hi Debbie....a few weeks ago, I was beside myself because I could not leave comments...I finally figured out that if you sign in using google, you have to un-click the keep me signed in box...No problem ever since...
    thanks for dropping by..

  12. Shug...Praying for you and Sam...
    Just one day at a time...
    the heat can be a real problem.
    Sorry about your weekend but...glad you were back home when needed.
    The perfect weekend should be just around the corner.
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings... the red doors!

  13. Prayers for you and Sam. Glad the Farm is safe.
    Hopefully you'll get some rain soon.
    You can have some of ours, which is not helping the flooding coming down from the North.
    It's a mess all over. But this too shall pass.



Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........