Saturday, April 16, 2011

They Work!

Good Saturday Morning!   This is another simple Saturday post....

Can you guess what these are?
Let me tell you, they WORK!

Maybe this will help..........

All I needed was a recorder to prove to Sam that he was

**  SNORING  **

Sam has been in a bit of pain this week and needless to say,
he has not been able to rest very well...


He did last night!!


Sometime around 1:30 A.M. my eyes were still wide open.  What could I do?  Should I attempt to wake him up because of his snoring? 
I just couldn't do it!!

Then.....I remembered his hunting bag...I was almost positive I would find   EAR PLUGS   in his bag.......

I made my way out to the garage, and started digging in that big ol' bag  {You wouldn't believe how much STUFF is packed into that hunting bag!  Thank goodness I didn't pull out a snake}....surely I would find some ear plugs......



Have a Blessed Weekend!



  1. Sounds like a good idea.At least you both got some rest.

  2. Oh Bless your heart! I love it and I am sooo happy you were able to get some rest! :)

  3. This may be the most valuable piece of information I have gained all day! LOL! Peaceful sleeping...
    blessings ~ tanna

  4. They really worked? Did they shut out all the noise? What a great idea! Phil has sleep apnea, but we have alomost stopped his snoring by getting a big foam rubber pillow that makes his head high.

  5. I've considered this. But I'm afraid I won't hear something I NEED to hear. But I do really need sleep. Hub works nights, but OH those weekends when I don't get to sleep for the snoring! I may try this!

  6. Those would be great for my hubby - because I'm the one who snores at times, lol! Learned how to do that during pregnancy years ago. Glad you found them and had a great night's sleep!

  7. Glad they worked for you! Losing sleep is awful!

  8. Cute post, Shug... Glad you didn't wake up, Sam, since I'm sure he needed his rest... How is he doing????

    Glad you found some earplugs for YOU. Great idea....

    I am lucky since George doesn't snore much.


  9. Wow what a great idea! So glad that they worked for you. This was a fun post to read and I am glad that I found your blog!!


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